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FM Development Studios - Terms Of Service

FM Development Studios | Aug 08, 2023

FM | Development Studios TOS


All product owners and employees are required to read and adhere to the following terms and conditions. Failure to comply with any of these terms may result in the cancellation of your brands and placement on a blacklist. It's imperative to fully understand and abide by all the stipulated conditions to maintain compliance and avoid potential repercussions. Adherence to these terms ensures the integrity and reputation of our products and services.

Code CO1: Authorized & unauthorized purchases

All customers are permitted to make purchases of FMDS products from any store. However, If you don't have proof of purchase/unauthorized purchases will result in punitive actions, including being added to a blacklisted. It is imperative to adhere to the established authorization procedures to avoid any consequences.

Code CO2: Distribution of products [I]

Distribution of products, such as sharing with friends or engaging in resale activities, without permission is strictly prohibited and will result in punitive measures, including being added to a blacklisted. It's important to obtain clear authorization before engaging in any form of distribution to ensure compliance with company policies and regulations. Violations of these rules may have serious consequences for individuals involved.

Code CO3: Distribution of products [II]

If suspicion regarding unauthorized involvement in product distribution with other users, punitive action, including being blacklisted. We take unauthorized distribution seriously and will investigate any suspicions thoroughly before taking action. It's crucial to adhere to authorization protocols to avoid potential consequences.

Code CO4: Modifying the product

Modifying the product in any way, including cracking, deobfuscating, breaking, or exploiting it, is strictly prohibited and will result in punitive measures, including being blacklisted. Such actions compromise the integrity and security of the product, and we take them very seriously. It's essential to refrain from making any alterations to the product to avoid severe consequences.


Prices of the products may change at any time depending on the authorization of the Founder/Co-Founder.

After the product is delivered to you, refund requests will only be considered in the presence of a valid reason.

Thank you for choosing FMDS.