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5 Strategies to gain new Followers on Instagram |A Step-by-Step Guide

Discover the top 5 tips to get more Instagram followers. Use these tricks and see your followers grow!

Getting more Instagram followers isn’t just to show off. More followers mean more people hear you, trust you more, and if you’re selling something, you might make more money. So, how do you do it?

1. Crafting an Irresistible Instagram Profile

Ever been on Instagram and quickly clicked ‘follow’ on a cool profile? That’s because they made a great first impression. Your profile is like your hello to new people. So, making it stand out is super important. Here’s how to do that:

Profile Picture Perfection:

Clarity is Key: Use a clear picture of your face or logo. If it’s for you, a good close-up of your face is best. For businesses, make sure the logo is easy to see, even on phones.

Stay Updated: Make sure your profile picture is up-to-date. Change it if your look changes or if a business gets a new logo.

Bio & Name Brilliance:

Perfecting your quick intro: Your bio is a short “hello.” It should briefly say who you are, what you do, and why someone should follow you.

Using the right keywords: Add keywords related to what you do in your bio, so people can find you easily. For example, if you cook vegan food, include words like “vegan,” “chef,” or plant-based recipes.

Call-to-Action (CTA): Want visitors to do something specific? Maybe check out your latest blog or view a product? Add a compelling CTA in your bio. With Instagram’s “swipe up” feature in stories or the “link in bio” tactic, you can direct traffic where you want it.

Username & Handle Harmony:

Consistency across Platforms: It’s good to use the same name on all social media sites. It helps people find you easily and looks more professional.

Avoid Complexities: Avoid using hard-to-understand parts in your username, like too many numbers or tricky words. Keep it simple and easy to remember.

Highlight Heroes:

Story Highlights: These are the little circles below your bio, and they’re golden! They show your top stories like reviews, product videos, or daily moments. Make each circle’s cover match your style.

2. Irresistible Share-worthy Content

Stunning Visuals Make the Difference: Instagram is all about looking good. Make sure your photos look great. Good lighting and angles help a lot. Also, edit your photos to make them stand out. Along with a good photo, write a caption that matches the picture and makes people feel something.

Dive Deep with Stories: Stories let you share quick updates or fun moments with your followers. They make your profile more lively and help you bond with your audience. Whether you’re sharing a behind-the-scenes moment or teasing something new, stories make your profile more fun.

Interactive Elements are Key: Instagram has cool tools like polls, questions, and quizzes that let you chat with your followers. They make your posts more interactive and help you learn more about what your followers like. For example, you can use a poll to see which product color they like more or answer their questions in a fun Q&A.

Consistent Engagement: Posting regularly doesn’t mean spamming your followers. It’s about maintaining a balance. Use analytics to determine when your audience is most active and tailor your posting schedule accordingly.

3. Collaborate with High-Profile Accounts for Greater Reach

The Power of Influential Accounts: There are numerous Instagram accounts that have amassed a large and engaged following. These aren’t just celebrities but include influencers, niche experts, and even accounts that have nailed the content game. Collaborating with them can be a gateway to tapping into a new audience base.

Master the Art of Shoutout Exchanges:

Finding the Right Match: Start by identifying accounts that resonate with your brand or personal image. It’s crucial to choose influencers or accounts whose followers would naturally be interested in what you offer.

Strategic Collaboration: Once you identify these accounts, reach out with a collaboration proposal. This could be as simple as a shoutout exchange, where you promote their account, and they reciprocate. Alternatively, consider more in-depth collaborations like joint giveaways, takeovers, or content swaps.

Authentic Engagement: Ensure any shoutout or promotion feels authentic. The last thing you want is for your followers to feel like they’re being subjected to a sales pitch.

4. Mastering Instagram’s Unique Features: Harness the Power of Each

Instagram isn’t just about posting photos and videos. It’s a multifaceted platform with various features tailored to captivate diverse audiences. Mastering each of these can significantly boost your engagement and follower count.

Instagram Stories: These 24-hour snippets give a real-time peek into your life or business. They’re perfect for:

  • Sharing timely updates or announcements.
  • Showcasing behind-the-scenes content.
  • Engaging viewers with polls, questions, and quizzes.
  • Remember, Stories sit atop the Instagram app, making them the first thing many users see. Consistently updating your Stories ensures your profile remains at the forefront of your followers’ minds.

Instagram Reels: Dive into the world of short, catchy videos with Reels. Why are they a game-changer?

  • They cater to the increasing demand for quick and entertaining content.
  • Reels have a dedicated Explore space, increasing the chance of discovery by non-followers.
  • They’re versatile; from tutorials to challenges, dances to reviews, there’s no limit to creativity.
  • Pro Tip: Music plays a pivotal role in Reels. Ensure your choice complements the video’s mood and message.

Instagram Carousel: Don’t limit yourself to a single image or video. Carousels let you:

  • Share a series of related photos or videos in one post.
  • Dive deeper into a topic or story, capturing your audience’s attention for longer.
  • Showcase a product from multiple angles, or present a step-by-step tutorial.
  • Engage users further by prompting them to swipe left. A compelling first image or clip can make users curious about what’s next. It’s storytelling, one swipe at a time!

5. Foster Genuine Connections: Meaningful Engagement is Key

Using Instagram isn’t just about posting stuff. It’s also about listening, chatting, and making friends. Every chat helps make your group stronger.

Active Interaction is Essential:

  • Comments: Every comment on your post is a chance to chat and make someone’s day. Answering them makes people feel special. Also, when others see lots of chats on your post, they’ll want to join in too!
  • Direct Messages (DMs): Answering DMs isn’t just for friends. It’s a way to have private chats with followers. Quick replies show you care. Plus, when people have good chats with you, they’ll likely tell their friends about you.

Picture this: Waking up to hundreds of new followers every day, getting messages from people who love your content, and being recognized as a key influencer in your niche. Sounds dreamy? It’s possible.


Ready to supercharge your Instagram growth? Start with one strategy from above. Test, learn, iterate. As you get the hang of it, combine more strategies. The Instagram sky’s the limit!

Note: Remember, patience is key. Real growth takes time, but with these strategies, you’re on the fast track. Stay genuine, stay consistent, and watch your community grow.