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Build Your Author Brand with a Podcast

Wondering if you should start a podcast? For authors podcasts are ideal for reaching readers and for connecting with other authors. Audio is an intimate medium where you can make a connection with the listener. And it’s a great way to share your writing with your prospective readers.

First steps

The first thing is to have a plan! Just like having a plan for your books, you need a plan for your podcast. Decide up front what you want it to be about, how long, how often you’ll post an episode – and of course a podcast name.



What if you’re not sure what you want to say?

Here are some suggestions! Talk about your life as an author. Share your WIP. Talk about your books, characters, settings, etc. Provide writing tips for other authors in your genre. Connect with your readers with behind-the-scenes details. Read excerpts from your books. Feature conversations with other authors.


Costs for your author podcast

For the most part you can record and post podcast episodes at no cost to you. Your level of investment depends on your goals, the type of equipment you use, and the platform you use to host your podcast. There are also companies that will manage podcast production. (Again, it all depends on how much you want to invest.)


How to distribute your author podcast to big platforms

If you want to keep it very simple, you can post it to your website. However, it makes sense to distribute to a larger audience. In that case you can use platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, among others. In addition, YouTube has recently launched their own podcasting options.


Are there tools available to create and produce a podcast?

New podcasting tools seem to pop up every day. The best thing to do is research your options first, so you’ll have an idea of the time commitment (and the possible fees). That way you can get a better idea if podcasting is a good option for your book marketing goals.


What to do if you’re not sure where to start?

Does this sound like a lot to consider before you begin? When it comes to creating a podcast for authors (and for creatives in general) I’ve got you! Not long ago I presented a workshop to authors about podcasting and now I’ve released that course in a PDF version. Read more about it here: