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How to Prepare Your Ritual for the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

How I'm Preparing for the April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Only a few days away from a rare and powerful transformative celestial event here in North America, the impending total solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024, signifies not just a new chapter, but an entirely new book waiting to be written! This is New Moon energy but on steriods. Potential is bigger than ever! As we all prepare to turn the page in this cosmic saga, anticipation fills the air, mingling with a sense of profound spiritual significance.

Amidst the excitement surrounding this celestial spectacle, it's natural to ponder its deeper implications. Many speculate that this eclipse heralds the Age of Aquarius, an astrological era marked by awakening and spiritual enlightenment. It's a time of immense potential, beckoning us to embrace our divine selves and honor the goddess within. Read more about it here!

Age of Aquarius

As the eclipse draws near, I am filled with anticipation and readiness to embrace the transformative energies of this cosmic event. Fortunate for me, my family and I already live very close to the path of totality. My plans are simple yet profound—I will lay out in my garden, quietly reflect, observe, and ground myself in my sacred space, surrounded by love, joy, peace, and my cherished loved ones. And I extend the same wishes of serenity and alignment to you. I hope you too can take the day off to connect with yourself while being still and at peace.

7 Day Goddess Activation

One of my cherished personal rituals, I shared in A Goddess Complex is the 7-Day Goddess Activation. While this ritual can be embarked upon at any time, I find it most potent to begin on a New Moon. Awakening your inner goddess is vital in a world filled with distractions and confusion. Through even the smallest adjustments and intentional practices every morning and night, you cultivate a profound connection with your inner goddess, allowing her wisdom to illuminate your path. Countless readers have shared their experiences of lucid dreams, encounters with their goddess, and newfound clarity on their journey of self-discovery.

Goddess Bath Ritual

For those seeking guidance on the path of awakening, I invite you to explore A Goddess Complex and the entire Golden Goddess Alchemy Series. It serves as a beacon of light, offering a starting point for your journey towards self-awareness, healing, and transformation. Let's embark on this journey together, embracing the celestial shift and harnessing the power of our inner goddesses.

Sending you all the highest goddess vibes,