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How to Discover Your Inner Fire Goddess Energy

Discover Your Inner Fire Goddess: Reflections on Leo Season and Welcoming Virgo Energy

Hello Goddesses,

As I sit down to reflect on the recent shift from Leo to Virgo season, I’m struck by how much the energy of the last month has taught me. Leo season, which ended on August 22nd, and always bring a certain intensity—a fiery, masculine force that can feel sharp against my natural feminine flow. As a living goddess, I’m deeply connected to my feminine essence, but the heat and aggression of Leo’s energy can often challenge me in unexpected ways.

Harnessing Your Inner Fire

This summer, particularly under the searing Texas sun, I found myself grappling with the intensity of this time of year. The height of the summer season reminds me of the Ancient Egyptian rituals, where the sun god Ra was at his most powerful, and the fierce lioness goddess Sekhmet was celebrated for her warrior strength.

This was the season when the fertile feminine goddess, Het Heru (Hathor) began to fade out, and then Sekhmet’s aggressive, protective mother goddess energy would take center stage. The golden lioness, aka Leo season, was celebrated as a time of fiery passion, but also of potential conflict, war, and destruction—a dance with it's dual nature, creation. The lessons of Leo season, especially in these hottest months of the year, have taught me to harness my inner fire not for the sake of war, but for growth. I feel activated, inspired, and unstoppable as I use this energy to level up my health and fitness routines, as well as my writing and creative practice.

I noticed this energy was echoed on a global stage during the Olympic Games, where we saw modern-day gods/goddesses channeling their inner fire to claim their gold. Just like Sekhmet, these athletes embody a fierce, dynamic feminine and masculine synergy, pushing beyond perceived limits of their body to achieve greatness. The diversity and strength on display inspires us all. But, it also reminded me how versatile and powerful feminine energy can be—much like the movement of the sun through the zodiac, where each sign brings out different aspects of our creative and spiritual selves throughout our earthly lifetime. 

A Goddess In Every Season

In my book *A Goddess Complex*, the fourth chapter, "Cosmic Energy," dives into the importance of aligning with the movement of the planets and stars, not just reacting to them. I wrote about rituals and regimens that can help you understand your relationship with cosmic forces, and how to conquer them rather than letting them undermine your goddess mentality. Leo season has reminded me of the power in that approach—using the fire to propel myself forward, to fuel my creativity and spiritual growth, rather than letting it burn me out.

And now, as we step into Virgo season, there’s a noticeable shift. The energy softens, becomes more grounded, more nurturing—exactly what my soul craves after the heat of Leo. Virgo brings a return to routine, a focus on health, organization, and self-care. It’s a time to refine what Leo’s fire has brought to the surface and to channel it into something lasting and meaningful.

For those of you who’ve read *A Goddess Complex*, how did you find your relationship with the Leo season this year? Did you find yourself harnessing that fire, or did it feel more challenging? And as we move into Virgo, how are you planning to ground that energy?

I'd love to hear your reflections—feel free to comment below and share your thoughts. Let’s continue this journey together, learning from the cosmos and each other.

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Lots of love,