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How coffee and caffeine effects women's health and feminine energy

Let's Talk About Caffeine: How Coffee Effects A Woman's True Nature

Two weeks ago, I decided to break up with coffee for good.

It wasn't a decision taken lightly; in fact, it felt like the end of an era. For years, coffee has been a part of my morning ritual, my go-to source of energy and comfort in times of stress or fatigue. While I rarely consumed more than one cup a day, I began to realize just how much of a hold it had over me.

The first few days were the hardest.

The withdrawal symptoms hit me like a ton of bricks—headaches, fatigue, irritability, you name it. It felt like the flu. But amidst the physical discomfort, there has been a sense of clarity emerging from the fog of caffeine dependency. I have used this time to confront the underlying reasons why I relied on coffee in the first place.

Thankfully, I journal daily.

As I delved deeper into self-reflection, I began to uncover a pattern of relentless striving and pushing in certain areas of my life where I hadn't fully integrated into my goddess self. What started off as a decadent peaceful morning pleasure to enjoy before everyone woke up, and the day began it's demands, had become a crutch and a limitation on my expansive goddess energy.

For so many years, caffeine and coffee was the fuel to help me keep up with the breakneck pace of modern life, constantly feeding the achieve more, do more, and give more. Produce, output over input. But, this is way of being is certainly not aligned with my goddess energy or my overall well-being. I don't desire to chase, hustle, and operate in survival mode. I feel best in my flow, when I embrace the soft, the subtle, and create in divine timing. The coffee habit was never in harmony with my true essence, my root desires, my sacred self, nor my biological process as a woman who bleeds and conceives.

As a feminine being, the hidden internal realm of our creative power is always naturally unfolding from within. It blooms on its own time, perfectly, organically on time. This is why I enjoy this work, this path, and this ever-expanding and evolving part of the goddess path. There will always be deeper areas to further awaken, and integrate freedom, fulfillment, and joy into your life, no matter how long you have embarked on your goddess journey.

It is neither my design nor my desire to perform and produce day in and day out, although masculine achievement is centered in the culture of today. I realized that this "coffee culture" has made many women lose touch with the natural rhythm of the feminine essence—the ebb and flow of energy that changes during the menstrual cycle. Caffeine keeps us in the striving aspect, where we override our bodies' signals and push ourselves despite our need to rest and release. This makes you deeply reliant on your masculine aspects for fear that softening and embracing your feminine side will leave you with worse consequences.

However, research has shown that caffeine has been found to disrupt hormonal balance, leading to a host of women's health issues, including delayed fertility, menstrual irregularities, and even an increased risk of uterine and breast cancer.

That is a wake-up call I can't ignore.

By relying on coffee to artificially boost my energy levels, I was not only suppressing my body's natural signals but also putting my long-term health at risk.

So, as I continue to embrace caffeine-free living, I invite you to join me in reflecting on your relationship with caffeine and how it may be impacting your life. It may not be coffee for you, perhaps it's coca cola, black tea, chocolate, sugar, etc. There are so many foods and beverages hiding the dirty little secret of caffeine and its super charged addictive nature when added to very sugary and processed foods. Learn more here >>>

Are you using caffeine as a crutch to mask deeper issues?

Do you feel aligned with your natural rhythms and feminine energy?

I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

With love and caffeine-free vibes,