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How to Live From Your Goddess Energy

On every corner of social media, you're likely to encounter content about "main character energy", or becoming "that girl." It's typically someone's edited camera roll of self-care, maintenance, fashion choices, and shameless self-promotion. Some may even be all about embodying self-awareness and prioritizing self-care and beauty maintenance as the keys to confidently living in a state of unbotheredness, joy, empowerment, transformation, and radiance.

While these narratives can be positively inspiring and influential to many women, they often offer fleeting glimpses into someone else's story. But have you ever stopped to ponder: What is your main character's energy, and who wrote your story? Did you willingly agree to an archetype/character, or are you typically on "autopilot", and following a script of a character you didn't consciously choose?

Many women, especially caretakers, often find themselves navigating life's choices based on the needs and expectations of others, losing sight of themselves in the process. Their character is largely based upon the validation of other's.

Years ago, I realized that this pattern in my life had to come to an end if I was to reclaim my true goddess essence. When I committed to self-initiation and the goddess path of self-discovery, I became acutely aware of moments when I found myself reacting automatically or regrettably taking on responsibilities that weren't mine to bear.

Whether it's the daily grind at work or discourse with your family, life can catch us slipping into unconscious moments where our goddess essence is asleep. Then, all stress, worry, criticism, and conflict can find it's way into the cracked door of our valuable energy field.

The truth is, we do have a choice. The choices are endless.

Our goddess energy is our inherited wealth, and we can spend and invest it wisely.

Every day, as we open our eyes and step into our waking lives, we exist as an amalgamation of the many selves we embody in various circumstances. But when you operate from your goddess energy, you transcend the role of mere character; you become the author. As the author, you have a choice of countless stories, adventures, and experiences to explore at any moment you choose. This is the ultimate awareness that exhibits your inner divinity, your goddess.

So, how do you tap into your goddess energy aka divine essence?

You start by recognizing that everything is energy—both lost and gained. With each decision and action, you're either leaning more into your character energy (where your goddess is likely to be sleeping) or embracing your inner goddess (your goddess is likely awake). When you operate from your character energy, your actions tend to be predictable, prescribed, influenced, and mindless. But when you channel your inner goddess, your actions become imbued with cleverness, creativity, mindfulness, and meditation. Not only that, but you are never stagnant because you know you can reinvent yourself often.

In my latest book, A Goddess Complex, I have given you everything you need to start this journey on your own. I reveal powerful tools and inspiration to help you step into your goddess era fully, starting with getting a hold of your thoughts and understanding your energy.

Through its pages, you'll discover how to live a truly creative and divine experience, with your awakened goddess as your guide and your infinite source of energy.

Are you ready to unleash your inner goddess? Get it Now!