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Where Have I Been? Doing Goddess Work!

Hey Goddesses,

A warm welcome to my personal blog -- G.I.R.L. (Goddessing In Real Life)

As of lately, I've been itching to dive back into my work, my mission, my true passion, so I'm finally getting around to creating a personal blog on my website. Social media can be such a wild and chaotic space for someone with extrasensory awareness, so here is where I've decided to safely engage in more personal conversations with my kind supporters and readers. My blog is where you can find out what's up with me, as well as my personal reflections and raw/real thoughts. I'll be sharing more about the behind-the-scenes of my creative process, as well as how I'm "goddessing" in the world with growing family.

Life has been quite the whirlwind lately, with its twists and turns, ups and downs. But amidst it all, I've been yearning to reconnect with my truest passions, to immerse myself back into the sacred space of creativity and sharing my writing.

In the past year, I've embarked on a journey of motherhood, nurturing, and watching my sweet baby boy grow into a lively and curious toddler. Alongside this beautiful chaos, I've been meticulously crafting the second installment of my book series, a project that's been both exhilarating and deeply fulfilling.

First peeks at the big reveal of my latest work, of course, will always go to my lovely subscribers, so if you haven't already, make sure you're signed up for email notifications!. You won't want to miss out on this one!

Life's ebbs and flows will always have their distractions. They can seem to pull us away from what we hold dear, but I'm always grateful that I find my way back feeling refreshed and reinvigorated. My time away is to refill my cup of abundance so that I am full and overflowing in my passionate work. I know that even when I'm not here in my web space, I'm still doing "goddess work."

My next book is currently in progress and in the completion stages. This one is especially close to my heart. A Goddess Complex was the first in the Golden Goddess Alchemy series, so its intention was to shift a limited mentality and guide the difficult aspects that come with awakening your goddess consciousness. I know this work can be a lot at first. It is definitely a paradigm shift and not for the faint of heart, but it is all so worth it!

"Your goddess will always require so much dedication from you, because she will take you further than you know."

This upcoming read is the essential next step in your goddess journey.

My hope is that it fills you up so much, that you will be swept off your feet with inspiration and oozing with self-love. After all of that releasing, shedding, and self-discovery work in A Goddess Complex, the next piece is meant to help you with the process of expansion and to embody the truest version of yourself you've ever known.

For me, embracing this journey has meant adopting new rituals, like my morning splash of crisp floral water to awaken my inner goddess. It's these small, daily acts of self-care that allow me to shed outdated layers and tackle life's challenges with newfound ease.

After all the mental gymnastics, it's easy to feel a bit weighed down. But now, I feel lighter, reborn into who I am meant to be—perfect, just as I am. My goddess didn't make a mistake in choosing me for this journey, and every day I wake up eager to spread that love, expecting nothing in return because I'm just so filled up, pouring into myself night and day.

The tools and resources I've gathered for you are all designed to do the same—to enrich your life, offer fulfillment, and even physical support so that your body is able to receive and integrate your divine energy.

So here's to overflowing, goddessing, and embracing every moment with open arms and an open heart.

With all the love and light in me,

P.S. Dive into my latest articles, social updates, and all the magical goodies waiting just for you. Whether it's embracing new rituals or finding joy in the soft, light moments of life, there's always something to discover.

Join me in the Goddess Realm.