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Decline In Patient Satisfaction Due To Inefficiency In Medical Billing And Coding

In medical facilities, medical billing is the most essential and vital thing that is needed. An efficient and effective billing procedure totally turns the tables in medical facilities and satisfies both the medical practitioners and the patients too.

Medical billing is the procedure of translating medical diagnoses into codes used in medical records and claims submitted to payers for reimbursement. While medical billing and coding are two separate entities, however, of they are not independent of each other. These two things are interconnected and both serve an important purpose in the healthcare system.

Medical coding is often the first and foremost process that involves writing down the correct codes for health records and claims. Meanwhile, medical billing comes into work after coding which includes submitting claims to payers for reimbursement.

Therefore, we come to our main question, that is, how medical billing and coding affect patient satisfaction. Let us deep dive into it and find out what you can do to overcome the things that affect your patients’ satisfaction.

How Medical Billing And Coding Affects Patient Satisfaction

Here are some of the major issues in medical billing and coding that affect patient satisfaction.

Ensure the Accuracy of the Patient’s Billing Statement

The easiest way to improve patient satisfaction is to help them in reducing their patient’s financial responsibility by implementing such billing processes that maximize payer payment. This helps reduce the burden on the patients, which leads to customer satisfaction.

However, there are some things that hinder these processes. In order to generate revenue, providers need to send claims to payers which may be denied sometimes. There are many reasons why a claim may be denied and all of them require different methods to tackle each.

There are denials that can be addressed through a corrected claim, some of them require appeals, and some require directly billing the patient.

While you cannot control denials but you can avoid them by correcting, or appealing denials, before sending a billing statement to the patient. Here are some of the reasons for a denied claim:

  • Claims are not filed on time
  • Inaccurate information on the claim
  • Services not covered
  • Improper modifier used
  • Changing policies

The way a patient is treated during the billing process can greatly impact how they feel about their overall experience. When patients feel satisfied, they are more likely to come back in the future, recommend the service to others, and ultimately generate more revenue. Billing is one of the key factors that can either positively or negatively impact a patient's satisfaction, so it's essential to improve the revenue cycle experience for patients. Patients are more likely to pay their bills if they believe that the amount is accurate if they are provided with information about their expected financial responsibility, and if they have easy-to-use online tools to engage with the billing process.

eClaim Solution

If you want to improve your patient’s satisfaction then you should go for a credible and experienced billing service provider such as eClaim Solution. Billing service providers like eClaim Solution ensure that all claims are properly checked which leads to a reducing claim denials by miles.

Such service providers also give many other services too including all sorts of Urgent Care Medical Billing, Denial Management And Appeals, Medical Enrollment, Credentialing, And Re-Credentialing, and many more. You can visit their website to learn more about their services.