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Travelling Into The Unknown: The Journey and The Dream

Blog header in JBFT brand colours, showing the title - 'Travelling into the Unknown: The Journey and the Dream', together with a suitcase and a sleeping moon.

Hello and a very warm welcome to my new blog!

I publishing new blog posts every Sunday at 6pm (GMT) over on the Jewellery by Favourite Things website. These posts cover various topics related to the wonderful world of Jewellery.

You can also catch up with me and get the latest from JBFT on Social Media via:

And talking of the latest thing - if you would like the latest JBFT FREE Gift and a whole bunch of other perks be sure you join the JBFT E-list!

Right - with the 'housekeeping out the way' let's get into it...

Hi, I’m Kaz, a 59 year old mother of three fantastic kids, with a full set of wonderful in-laws and six beautiful grandchildren (yes, I’m biased – all mums, mums-in-laws & nannies are – right?).

I was self-employed, but back in 2018 I took ‘early retirement’ due to mental health issues. After being prescribed meds, receiving some therapy & 12 months of ‘retirement’, I got a little better, a bit bored and decided to take a part time job.


Being employed was cut short as I was diagnosed with arthritis, which affected both my mobility and ability to work. So, I now find myself at the ‘mercy of the government’. If you’ve ever been in the unfortunate position of  relying on benefits, you’ll know how hard that is, both financially and mentally.

At only 59 years young I ain’t ready for the ‘scrap heap’ yet! ‘Going out’ to work, now that I have both arthritis and mental health issues to manage, isn’t an option. But where I go from here, the next stage of my journey, is down to ME! This meant having a bit of a ‘life rethink’.

I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto!

Doing a Madonna, ‘reinventing’ myself, at my age, was, and still is, terrifying! But being jobless, lacking income and NEEDING to do ‘something’, created what you could call either…

  1. A positive and exciting opportunity for a new adventure OR
  2. A negative and frightening ‘tornado’ that’s turned my life upside down.

What do you think? To be honest, how I see it depends on my mindset on any given day!

Either way, I find myself in Oz. Dorothy’s adventure had her searching for The Emerald City so she could get back home. My journey, however, is me looking for a ‘workable solution’ to my problems and circumstances.

Discover what my workable solution is and how my journey's going by reading more of this blog over on my website.

See you there and remember - #keepsparkling

Kaz x

Jewellery by Favourite Things