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Mental Health Vibe Tribe Membership

The Mental Health Vibe Tribe Membership

Get back your mojo with Joe Roe & your Vibe Tribe

Let's get you calm, confident and happy :)

Are you feeling stuck, stressed, anxious, overthinking, overwhelmed and worrying about everything and anything? Gosh, that awful feeling in your stomach or chest.

Has your confidence taken a battering? Your inner critic making you feel worthless, unworthy or has your self-esteem gone out the window?

The restless nights lying awake, no energy, brain fog, not eating properly, drinking too much alcohol or plonking fun and self-care at the bottom of your pile.

If you are thinking of giving coaching a whirl or wish to continue your coaching journey, then you've arrived at your inspiring safe ace place to shift from chaos to calm.

Mental health coaching with a client

Get back your mojo with Joe Roe and your Vibe Tribe

What if instead you could regain and maintain your mental health wealth, freeing your mind to become calm, relaxed, peaceful, and positive?


Now, how about grabbing life back, to feel alive, get back your mojo, sparkle, and be happy again?


Imagine having the clarity you need, to successfully achieve your goals, aspirations, and sense of purpose.


Getting back your inner confidence, self-belief, and self-worth.


Let’s go on a journey of self-discovery and plonk fun and self-care at the top of your list.

Mental Health Membership Group Image

Exclusive Members Access Only

  • Your monthly 'Happy Hour' Masterclass. Join your Vibe Tribe live in the on-line Zoom Room, including gifting you meaningful super cool coaching tools from your Detox Toolbox.

  • Your ever-growing on-line Coaching Detox Toolbox within your Membership area. Feel free to dip into these super handy tools and goodies, at your own pace and whenever you feel you need a little brain boost.

  • Your lovely Vibe Tribe Facebook Community with supportive like-minded folk just like you. Join in the fun or be inspired by others and let the good vibes flow, along with Joe Roe.

  • Oh! And to be extra kind to your mind, there are extra sprinkles of special bonuses and surprises thrown into your monthly Happy Hour Masterclass mix, just for good measure! Such as mini Q & A Sessions, Reflection Sections, Blessed with Expert Guests, Members Detox Jukebox and exclusive VIP Membership special offers

Happy Customer 5 Star Feedback

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Joe has changed my life. I was lost, lonely, scared, anxious and unsure of where my future was heading. She helped me organise my thoughts and then gave me tools to be able to reframe things in my mind and think more clearly.

I am stronger, more confident, assured, positive and looking forward to a brighter future.

She genuinely cares about every little breakthrough we all have she celebrates personally.

Everyone should be lucky enough to spend time with Joe, she makes such a huge difference to those around her.

— Diana

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I had suffered from anxiety for over 5 years and my life has positively changed! I went to a party yesterday with friends and I was the most relaxed and confident I've felt in years!! I have Joe to thank for that. I was talking to a lady who suffers with anxiety and I've 100% recommended her. I'm back better and stronger than ever and that's thanks to Joe and her positivity and belief in me. I wanted to thank her from the bottom of my heart for putting me back together and helping to find the way back to happiness. Her own strength has made me see the light again and helped me to feel strong, confident, and positive about life again. Life is for living and I intend to do that.

— Jane

Price Plan

No Brainer Early Bird Founding Member Special Offer

Vibe Tribe - Founding Member

per month
  • Valued at £47
  • Fixed Lifetime Membership Joining Price (T's & Cs apply for members rejoining)
  • Cancel Anytime 

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Join Your Founding Vibe Tribers -

Joe Roe - The Mental Health Coach

Hi and wishing you a warm friendly welcome. I'd love you to join being part of your vibe tribe and I look forward to seeing you in there! Being a highly skilled, qualified, accredited, and credible coach with over 20 years coaching experience under my belt. Plus, a big dollop of personal lived experience of anxiety, depression and bipolar with psychosis. Coaching has been the 'game changer' for the lives of my clients and myself, making positive, lasting and meaningful shifts from anxiety, stress and burnout to calm, confident and happy. Transforming your mental health wealth, confidence, self-belief, goal clarity, motivation and mojo, relationships, work, life-style choices and living a calm life full of purpose and joy. Spreading hope, health and happiness. See you inside your safe ace space!

Price Plan

No Brainer Early Bird Founding Member Special Offer

Vibe Tribe - Founding Member

per month
  • Valued at £47
  • Fixed Lifetime Membership Joining Price (T's & Cs apply for members rejoining)
  • Cancel Anytime 

Happy Customer 5 Star Feedback

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Working with Joe has been a joy, it felt like I've been working through my challenges with a friend, except this particular friend has really useful tools to enable me to face my challenges head on. She provided an open and relaxed environment, with no judgement.

— Ashley

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I was feeling lost, holding guilt and thinking negative thoughts. At the moment I have worse life situations going on than when I first started working with Joe and even though I have loads of reasons to be sad, I am the happiest I have been in a long time. Joe has been amazing and helpful and taught me useful tools for now and if I need them later in life too. I now have a positive mindset and future. Thanks Joe

— Maddie

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Hi Joe. Well, I have to say I was a bit dubious and really unsure what to expect but you have blown me away. After months of CBT, Counselling, self-help books etc. etc. a few hours with you, has given me more confidence and belief that I can do this than all the other put together. Brilliant group session and would recommend to anybody.

— Sammie

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