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Creepy Thursdays Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Gumantine’s Wrath

 Picture of girl in white sleeveless dress with dull radiance surrounded her. The girl can be seen levitating off a patient -type bed in a haunted room. This picture is used to illustrate Creepy Thursdays which is a free paranormal horror story you can read for free via Jsovirall Store written by Jsovirall.

All rights reserved © by Jsovirall

Today was Saturday and we finally reached Palbania. It felt as if we were walking forever. The curse of age was still upon us but that wasn't going to stop us from going through the cemetery. My spine shivered as I gazed upon the quiet cemetery. I was self-hypnotized by the soundless burial ground in the Forest of Mist. The wind was stagnant. It was as if the wind was afraid of the burial ground.

"If you three manage to make it to the other side of Palbania you must proceed to the stony path. I must return to my dwelling place now. Best of luck with your expedition. "The demon cat said and walked off. We didn't know what he was talking about but soon enough we would know. 

"Thanks for helping us," I said to the cat. He nodded. The snow had decreased its blessing upon the land. Melisha, Jean, and I could see clearly now. As we entered the graveyard the curse of age was broken. Now, we were normal again. Jean and Melisha embraced each other as if it was the first time they were seeing each other. They were so dramatic.

I knew that the demons were watching us from behind the tombs and their hiding places. We could hear movements now and then behind us as we walked farther into the burial ground. Jean saw a necklace on the ground and was about to take it up and Melisha stopped her. The necklace transmuted into a snake and slithered away. She was startled. We proceeded on the path cowardly.

After twenty minutes of walking, a cold wind blew and a shadow ran past us quickly. We all saw it. We hid behind a nearby tomb thinking that we were safe but we weren't. There were demons everywhere. They surrounded us then detained us with shackles. Some of them had no clothes on and some of them were wearing black garments. Their eyes were white and some were full black. Most of the demons had a hideous appearance. They smelled awful. The lady [Gumantine was the daughter of SHE] in the black dress with the white eyes spat green liquid on Jean's face. It was a disgusting sight to witness. Jean regurgitates immediately. 

"Last time you got away but this time you won't," Gumintine said Jean. While Gumantine was searching Melisha I smartly hid the Hacranium knife in my pant.

"Mmm," Gumantine sniffed me, "You smell different than those two. It is you, Mother wants. This is the one. Let's take them to Mother!" She commanded the other demons. They pushed and pulled us like slaves but they didn't know that I had the blade of death.

After ten minutes of walking, we reached the edge of a deep cliff that had an enormous broad tree extending to the opposite side of the cliff. The tree could be described as a bridge. My heart started drumming against my chest when the demon started pulling across the fallen tree as if I was an untamed animal. I slipped and fell off the tree. I had a near-death experience. Luckily, I was hanging was by the chain that detained me. I didn't fall to my death. However, I was experiencing a slight hyperventilation phase. I was struggling to breathe.

"Pull me up. Pull me up." I shouted. Every muscle in my body felt numb. Fright had paralyzed me.

"Your mother is going to be very upset if you let him die," Jean warned Gumantine.

"Shut up you filthy human." Gumantine slapped Jean. Gumantine told the other demons to pull me up with vengeance in her eyes. It was as if she wanted me to die even though she knew that I was valuable to her Mother.

Finally, we went across the long tree. We were now at the stony place. Big boulders and stones everywhere. Gumantine told the other demons to stop. She had her reason but she chose not to disclose them.

"Gumantine," I called her, "I can see that you are disobeying your Mother's order."

"Silence," she slapped me, "How dare you utter such a blasphemous word to me, you pargant (pargant means maggot in the demon world)"

"I suggest you follow your Mother's orders if you want to live."

"That's it, you are getting on my last nerves." She responded. She kicked me and slapped me until she was satisfied. She was agitated because of what I said.

"Enough Gumantine!!" Han'o maha intervened. He was the demon I stabbed with the Hacranium knife. His sudden mien dismayed me. 

"I am sure Mother has told you to bring them alive to her and yet you go against her orders. She is waiting for them in the castle. You have two days to get your act right or you know what the consequences will be." Han’o maha said to Gumantine.

"I am sorry brother. It won't happen again." Gumantine apologized. Han'o maha disappeared while staring at me.

Melisha, Jean, and I were on the stony path now. My feet hurt so badly. I know that Jean and Melisha’s feet were hurting too. Gumantine kept glancing at me with her evil eyes because she wanted to kill me herself and take all the glory from her Mother. She was ignorant think that she could kill me and walked scot-free. I didn't know how far she was bringing us but it seemed like a far distance. Jean was plotting against the demons smartly. She wanted to wash the green liquid off her face that Gumantine spat on her earlier. We were close to a lake.

"Hey, Gumantine, can I wash my face? I can’t see properly." Jean said.

"Don't do anything stupid. Boys, keep an eye on her. This one is mine." Gumantine said. The other demons brought Jean toward the water. Jean washed her face. She removed a yellow flower from the water and that was when it happened. Something enormous pulled her underneath the water. The other demons couldn't help if they wanted to. What happened was unexpected.

"Jean! Jean!" Melisha and I called. Gumantine was laughing. She wanted to see Jean die so she could devour her soul quicker. I ran and dived into the water. My hands were still bound by the shackles The Hacranium knife fell from my grasp but I managed to catch it before it descended to the bottom of the water. As I caught the knife the shackles broke. I saw a big tentacle coming towards me. It welted me out of the water then I dropped back in the water. I saw Jean. She was wrapped into one of the lake monster’s tentacles. I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. I saw the might octopus of the lake staring at me. I accepted my defeat by size but not by courage. The beast of the lake wrapped me tightly in one of its tentacles. Jean was running out of oxygen. The beast was about to eat us. I pierced its tentacle with the knife of death and it screeched. It released Jean and me. We swam to the surface and proceeded to land. I freed Jean from her chains with the knife but the beast of the lake was still after us. It took us up and swallowed us.

I stabbed anything I could reach inside of the mouth of the monstrous octopus. I killed the beast of the lake. Bam! It fell. Jean and I crawled out of one of the octopus’s eyes. I hid the knife in my pant. We walked one of the beast’s tentacles and went to land. Melisha was glad when she saw that we were still alive.

"I am never washing my face in a lake again," Jean said to me. Gumantine was very agitated because we survived. She wanted us to die so she could eat our souls. She told the other demons to detain us once again. The demons continued their journey with us.

Today was Sunday and we were still on the stony path. We walked up a steep hill with our tired legs. Melisha, Jean, and I were exhausted. We have been walking since yesterday. The demons were pushing and pulling us continually without stopping. Gumantine didn't want to be late because she knew that her mother would punish her and also her brothers and sisters. The only thing that we could do was to pray for this nightmare to be over. This nightmare involved many demons. Melisha, Jean, and I were being tortured by the heartless demons and we couldn't even fight back. A big boulder was on top of the steep hill—a big rope was tied to it.

"Gumantine, can we get some rest?" I asked.

"Silence!" She snarled at me then slapped me.

"We need to rest that's all."

"I said silence. The only time you will rest is when my mother gets her way with you and your little friends. She will devour all of your souls like it was nothing."

"Why is your Mother afraid of me? Why didn't she come to get me herself?"

"I said silence," Gumantine slapped me again, "Why won't you be quiet like the others over there? The only reason why you are still alive is because of SHE."

"Well, at least I know you can't kill me, right?"

"Don't push your luck, Mr. Mattew," Gumantine warned me then vomited a lot of green slime on my face. It smelled like filth. I vomited. She went up the hill while the demons pulled us up by the shackles. It was painful. Every part of my body hurts even my genitals.

Read Chapter 7

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Jsovirall is a prolific author and an independent entrepreneur that operates the Jsovirall Store. Follow Jsovirall for new book releases, products, and updates.
