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Creepy Thursdays Paranormal Horror eBook | Free Stories to Read

Creepy Thursdays is a supernatural paranormal horror story written by Jsovirall. The story is about a skepticist becoming an independent paranormal investigator to discover the truth about two mysterious deaths that occurred. Let's start with the insider view and learn more about the story.

About the story

Red background with an indistinct moon, graveyard and a demon crouching in the shadows. Jsovirall store.

Creepy Thursdays [the story] is written in the first-person perspective. The protagonists in this story are Mattew, Melisha, and Jean. Mattew is a skepticist. He doesn't believe in paranormal activities are ghosts. He lived in a secluded house that was haunted. He started realizing a common pattern when the paranormal activities would happen more frequently in his house. Most of the mysterious events would take place in his basement. However, he was a skeptical person. Every Thursday he experienced unexplained paranormal phenomena. The mysterious death of two people baffled him. He wanted to know how they die so he became an investigator. A skepticist became a paranormal investigator. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

Let's talk about Melisha. Melisha was nineteen years old. She had a crush on Mattew. She was a daredevil on the bicycle. She enjoyed doing stunts. She had a strange gift to see ghosts. She didn't like talking about her gift because she knew how people would respond. She and Mattew had a deadly confrontation with a demon and barely escaped. She and Mattew became imprisoned in the secluded haunted house. The house was the only thing that was stopping the malevolent spirits from eating their souls. 

Jean was a doctor. She and Mattew had been friends for more than ten years. Mattew loved Jean. Jean became a victim of the malicious demons that wanted the souls of Mattew and Melisha. Jean discovered that she could see ghosts. She was terrified. She too has become imprisoned in the haunted house of mysterious events. Melisha, Jean, and Mattew had become a part of an endless nightmare. They have inexplicably entered a world of demons and must try to survive. 

Read Creepy Thursdays for free.

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Jsovirall is a prolific author and an independent entrepreneur that operates the Jsovirall Store. Follow Jsovirall for new book releases, products, and updates.
