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Erotic Romance book Calm Sorrow

Calm Sorrow is a thrilling erotic novel written by Jsovirall. It is an in-depth story of a female protagonist discovering sexuality psychologically.

About the Book

Black and white image of a female with a backpack on. Jsovirall Store.

The book "Calm Sorrow" is about a female protagonist named Mell Andison discovering an unexplained ability that she developed after having a near-death experience. Mell Andison is a strange individual and she didn't have many friends. She preferred to be isolated from the common ways of society. The main character was developed by Jsovirall to display a strange personality of illusion and reality. Mell Andison is a character that doesn't completely understand the gift she had. She was confused about desires and reality. She was portrayed as a shy individual in the story as it relates to expressing herself. She had a crush on a secret admirer but she didn't know how to expel her suppressed feelings. She had many challenges when it comes to self-esteem and believing in herself. She suffered from suicide ideations but after a near-death experience, she started gradually understanding what she was capable of with the help of a psychologist who studied the paranormal and practiced unorthodox methods of helping mentally ill patients and people with strange abilities. The psychologist was also a professor. Mell Andison started uncovering her peculiar gift after she had a conversation with the Professor. 

The story of Mell Andison becomes more interesting as she continues to dig deeper into a mystery that happened before she was born. All the characters in Calm Sorrow have their separate stories that add to the main plot of the story. Erotic romance is written about figuratively. If you are a reader that enjoys a well-written book with depth and plot development then Calm Sorrow is for you. You will definitely learn a lot from this book.

eBook cover of Calm Sorrow Book 1 written by Jsovirall on Jsovirall Store.

Word from Author

When Jsovirall was constructing the story he wanted it to be informative, educative, and mysterious. Do you want to know something interesting? Jsovirall took two weeks to write Calm Sorrow by only taking five to six hours of sleep a day. He is a very dedicated author when he wants to finish a book. On the product page, you will have the choice to view a preview of the ebook, and then if you like what you read you can purchase the book to read the full story. If you buy the ebook be sure to leave a review on his store. You can visit the product page directly by clicking the link below.

Calm Sorrow Book 1

Click German Edition for Calm Sorrow book.

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Jsovirall is a prolific author and an independent entrepreneur that operates the Jsovirall Store. Follow Jsovirall for new book releases, products, and updates.
