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He is goon too soon Gangster Romance stories | eBooks

The eBook 'He is gone too soon' is written by Jsovirall. The story is about an open-minded gangster and a devoted police officer developing a family-type relationship. Let's talk more about the book. The insider view.

About the book

Slightly illuminative picture of a man in a suit holding a cigarette with a almost transparent airplane behind him. The picture on Jsovirall Store is used to portray a gangster type feeling as it relates to the ebook 'He is goon too soon' written by Jsovirall.

The book is written as a script [screenplay] by Jsovirall to express the characters' viewpoints and wordplay clearly. He creates an up-close relationship with his potential readers by giving them the advantage to know the characters better through dialogues. 

The main characters in the story are Matt [The gangster] and Belton Harris [the police officer]. Matt was an open-minded and stubborn individual. He lived in the Ghetto and operated under the street laws of different gangsters. He was also involved in the illegal smuggling of medicament. It was his way of survival. Matt wasn't like the other thugs on the street blackmailing people and committing homicide on a regular basis. His dream was to get out of the ghetto and have a better life. He was determined to do whatever he could to escape the wrath of his gangster friends. Many thugs wanted Matt dead. A common term used in the community he lived in was 'Used them and trash them.' The crime rate in Matt's hometown was increasing while gang members go on a killing spree. The plot for money was getting out of hand as Matt tried to stay hidden from his thug friends. He met a girl and he became attached to her. She was involved in some criminal activities. Her secrets have caused her to have a lot of enemies in the ghetto. Matt's complicated life was bound to put him in serious trouble.

Belton Harris was a family man and a hardworking individual. He was a good cop in the ghetto but recently the crime rate was pressuring the police department. All the police officers were overworked and underpaid as they try to stop the increase in crime. Belton Harris was a cop that used discretion. He had a conscience. He knew that life in the ghetto was hard and the young boys and girls were being forced to do what they didn't want to do. He saved Matt's life when he interfered in a gangster brawl that was taking place on a street alley while he was on patrol. Matt respected Belton Harris because he was a man of his word but he too was facing challenges in his family and marriage. His family had many secrets that he didn't know about. He was too busy working all the time but he was a good husband. Belton Harris, his family, and Matt will soon have to face a deadly confrontation from a coldblooded thug. Check out the product page by clicking the link below.

ebook link: He's goon too Soon.

Lightskin African American woman posing with a  fashion type eyeglass on. She is wearing a colorful dress. This is the eBook cover of 'He is gone too soon' that Jsovirall wrote. It is a  Gangster Romance story.

A word from the author

Portraying an environment where crime and love come into play can be challenging. However, Jsovirall was determined to make this screenplay a very interesting one that will engage his potential readers. The story 'He is gone too soon' paints a picture of a policeman and a gangster getting to know each other and developing trust. While the story is based mainly on Matt and Belton Harris it is also based on Matt's life as a gangster. Like for example, Matt fell in love with a girl that had an impolite attitude. He got to know Belton Harris’ family. The story can also be recognized as an inspiring story of a police officer helping a confused gangster. I hope you enjoy this story if you decide to read it.

I will continue to provide readers with an insider view of the books I write. 

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Jsovirall is a prolific author and an independent entrepreneur that operates the Jsovirall Store. Follow Jsovirall for new book releases, products, and updates.
