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Fire Cider: All Natural Immune Booster and Flu Fighter

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I started my Fire Cider for the winter season back in May of 2021. I learned about Fire Cider from an herbal group I joined on Facebook. You have to let all the ingredients sit for at least 6-8 weeks, however, it is optimal if it can sit for 2-4 months. So my first usable batch wasn't complete until the beginning of September. I made a second batch in late July, because I knew I would run out of the first batch prior to the end of winter.

If you are new to Fire Cider, it was originally popularized by herbalist Rosemary Gladstar, back in the 70s. Fire Cider is known for its immune-boosting properties. You use it the same way you would use Elderberry Syrup.

My family has been taking both Elderberry Syrup and Fire Cider, alternatingly all fall/winter. I am proud to say no one has been sick this entire winter thus far! I definitely recommend this immune-boosting powerhouse as a staple in any family's herbal medicine cabinet.

For additional info on all the great properties of Fire Cider and a recipe, check out this article.

Stay well friends!