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British Army Royal Gurkha Rifles DPM & DDPM


British Army Merican Regiment DPM & DDPM


British Transport Police Custodian Helmet


Met Police Custodian Helmet


British Army Yorkshire Regiment DPM & DDPM


British Army Mk6 Osprey PCS (MTP) Gear


British Army Mk6 Osprey DDPM Gear


British Army Mk7 Osprey DPM Gear


MILSIM Syloom System


Ultimax 100


L115A3 Long Range 'Sniper' Rifle


Boeing CH-47 Chinook


Hughes OH-6 Cayuse


Bell OH-58 Kiowa


Jungle Yoke and Belt Kit



More well known as Moo_Blinder or MooMoochacka I started off roblox in TGAB and started basic meshing for them. Eventually moving to the modern era ive got a keen passion for mesh work , Graphics and basic scripting.