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Terms Of Service

The assets you buy from my shop are NOT refundable. Please be careful, double-check what you want to buy!

IMPORTANT: To use any of my products, you need to have some Unity and Blender knowledge/experience! Please ask your friends or ask people on the server with knowledge/experience for help or educate yourself with plenty of tutorials on the website.

By purchasing any of the models/assets you agree to the following rules below. If you don’t agree, follow or bend any of the rules, please do not buy or use any of the models/assets.

Please do NOT replicate, take, or steal my OCs. It is my original character.

Purchased, resold products can ONLY be used on finished projects/models/avatars with credit to me (To credit, add a link to my store or link to the products themselves).

The download limit of the products is 2, email me to request more downloads.

Do NOT share this file with homies, friends, or significant others

The same thing goes for not leaking, republishing, resell on their own.

It cannot be used for free/public avatars, nitros, or other subscription perks unless I decide on what products that allows.

(Read each product rules carefully please!)

Assets belong to VRChat ONLY.

(Contact me if you would like these assets to be used on other VR platforms or VTuber.)

If you have wrongfully been banned/blocked from my shop, contact me in the email below and explain, so we can talk about how to get that ban revoked.