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Story #4 - Saula’s curiosity

Saula and I are cockroaches and live in the room of Chloé, this beautiful student…

In the oppressive silence of the room, Saula ventures out of our refuge with childish curiosity. I watch him, my heart beating with anxiety. She glides with natural grace, her antennae quivering, exploring this forbidden world of ours.

The room, immense and threatening to our eyes, is full of mysteries and dangers. Saula is drawn to shiny objects and varied textures that adorn space. She approaches an open makeup bag, amazed by the shimmering colors of the eyeshadows and the shine of the glosses.

But it is a world that is not ours, a world where beauty often hides a cruel reality. Saula, in his innocence, does not understand the imminent danger. She ventures further, marveling at a pearl necklace sparkling in the dim light.

I remain hidden, watching my sister with a mixture of pride and terror. It represents that part of us that aspires to discover, to know what lies beyond our narrow walls. But Saula's every move is a step closer to unknown danger.

Suddenly, the bedroom door opens with a bang, and Chloe enters. She is like a storm that descends on our peaceful world. Its imposing presence and sophisticated look invade the space, making it almost unreal.

Saula freezes, trapped between admiration and fear. She hides behind a book, her eyes captivated by this imposing figure. Chloe, with her long hair and light blue eyes, exudes an aura of power and mystery.

She walks towards the mirror, revealing its needles which click on the floor like a sinister omen. With every step, I feel my heart beating in unison with the sound of its claws. It was a sound that terrified us, a constant reminder of the cruelty that lies beneath the beauty.

Chloe begins to shed her fur coat, revealing a slender figure. She looks at herself in the mirror, a satisfied smile lining her lips. Saula, hypnotized, observes each gesture of Chloé, fascinated by this flamboyant femininity which is so foreign to her.

But beneath the glitz and glamour, I sense a latent threat. Chloe, with all her beauty and charm, is a predator in our world of cockroaches. And Saula, my little sister, is dangerously close to this destructive force.

I stand back, helpless, knowing that every moment spent near Chloe brings us closer to disaster. But how can we tear Saula away from this fascination that holds her prisoner?

In the room, time seems to stand still, and I hold my breath, praying that Saula will find his way back to our refuge before it is too late.

In the shadows of our hiding place, I watch with horror the scene unfolding before my eyes. Chloé, this strikingly beautiful student, has just discovered Saula under a book. She laughed contemptuously, her long fingers capturing my little sister in a cruel embrace. “What a horror, a cockroach!” » she exclaims with disgust.

She casually throws Saula to the ground. My sister, disoriented and terrified, desperately tries to escape. But Chloé, determined, advances towards her while clicking her needles. “Where do you think you’re going, little vermin?” » She sneers, crushing Saula's hind legs.

Saula's cries tear my heart apart. “Help me, please!” » she provides. But I'm petrified, unable to move. Chloe releases her heel, and Saula, in a desperate effort, tries to crawl. But his back legs are useless, his cries of pain filling the room.

“Please come and help me!” » shouts Saula. But I am torn between love for my sister and fear of sharing her fate. Chloé, amused by the spectacle, approaches again. “Let’s get this over with,” she whispers with a cruel smile.

With icy brutality, she crushes Saula, her fragile body disintegrating under the merciless weight of her heel. The silence that follows is more terrifying than all the screams.

I stay there, hidden, paralyzed by fear and grief. The loss of Saula is a gaping wound in my heart. Chloe, for her part, turns away without a backward glance, leaving behind a quiet room and the memory of unimaginable horror.

In this room where we once lived in peace, all that remains is pain and loneliness. Saula, my dear sister, was swept away by the merciless cruelty of a world that was not ours. Her curious and adventurous spirit will remain forever etched in my memory, a painful memory of the darkest things beauty can hide.