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Story #5 - I love crushing rats under my high heels !

I stand there, in the enveloping darkness, the ground cold beneath my stiletto heels. The shelves behind me hold an eclectic collection of shoes, each telling a story of glamor and mystery. But that's not why I'm here.

I feel the weight of the black fur coat on my shoulders, its luxury contrasting with the darkness of the room. My long blond hair, smooth as threads of silk, falls in cascades over my shoulders. My false eyelashes flutter gently, while my lips, painted a bold red, curl into a smirk.

In my right hand, I firmly hold the tail of a rat, suspended in the air, upside down. Her small, trembling figure is agitated with silent despair. I look at him, my eyes sparkling with Machiavellian malice, while he struggles weakly at the end of the rope that I hold like a leash.

I feel powerful, dominant, controlling the destiny of this little creature. My gaze fixes on the rat, and I lose myself in the contemplation of my power over him. It's an exhilarating, almost intoxicating feeling. The fear and uncertainty in her small eyes shimmer in the dim light, reminding me that in this dark world, I am the one who reigns supreme.

The room, with its dark ambiance and stiletto heels, is my domain, a place where I play the lead role in a twisted horror story. A story known only to me, and to the little creature hanging upside down, which continues to struggle, unaware of its inevitable fate.

The tension of the rope becomes stronger between my fingers. I pull lightly, watching the rat struggle with increasingly low energy. Her high-pitched little cries echo through the dark room, a sound that makes me shiver with pleasure. There is something strangely satisfying about this manipulation, this power play between me and this insignificant creature.

With a sudden movement, I untie the rope from my index finger, letting the rat fall abruptly to the hard ground. He remains there, trembling, still attached to the leash. I approach slowly, my stiletto heels clicking on the cold floor. Each step is measured, deliberate, increasing the intensity of the scene.

The rat, sensing my imposing presence, desperately tries to escape, but the leash holds him tightly. He is at my mercy, and this realization makes me smile in an almost demented way.

I lean down, my face inches from him, and whisper words that sound almost sweet, but carry within them a veiled threat. “Poor little thing, did you really think you could escape?” My words are tinged with cruel amusement. “You are now in my world, a world where I reign as queen.”

The rat gestures, but its energy is fading. I look at him, savoring the spectacle of his fear and helplessness. This domination game fills me with a feeling of absolute control, an intoxicating and powerful feeling.