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Story #6 - My rat's walk in the room

I find myself there, confined in my metal cage, located in a corner of a student's room. My little eyes scan the surroundings, always on the lookout. The room is littered with books and clothes, but that's not what catches my attention. It is her, my new owner, whom I await with increasing apprehension.

Every day she comes to visit me, but something about her terrifies me. To this day, I can hear the distinct click of her stiletto heels on the hard floor. My heart pounds as she approaches. Her face, covered in dark, exaggerated makeup, makes me shiver with fear. His blood-red lips seem to form a malicious smile.

I curl up in a corner of my cage, my little paws tight against my frail body. His gaze falls on me, cold and calculating. She crouched down, her piercing eyes fixed on me through the bars. I feel his breath, heavy and charged with an obscure intention.

She mutters something, a litany that doesn't bode well. My instincts are screaming at me to escape, but where could I go? I am a prisoner, captive of this threatening presence.

Suddenly, she opens the cage. Her hand approaches, her night-black nails reaching toward me. My body freezes, paralyzed by fear. What dire fate awaits me under the influence of this girl? Am I doomed to become a mere toy for his cruel experiments?

I feel vulnerable, exposed, a simple rat facing a force beyond me. The horror of my situation overcomes me, as I wonder what grisly fate she has planned for me. Fear overcomes me, as I realize that I am at the mercy of a destiny that I can neither control nor understand.

The leash wraps around my neck, pulling me out of my cage. I'm dragged across the room, every movement hurting my neck. The impressive size of the stilettos and the sound they make as they click against the floor ring painfully in my large ears.

I feel vulnerable, dragged like this, terrified by each step of this giantess who dominates me. Suddenly I feel an overwhelming pressure. A cry of pain escapes me as she inadvertently steps on me. For a moment, the world seems to stop, and I fear the worst.

To my surprise, she leaned towards me, a look of concern on her face. She gently picks me up, cradling me in her arms. The tender caresses of his fingers reassure me momentarily. Maybe she had a heart after all?

But my relief is short-lived. I suddenly feel his grip tighten around my body. The pain is intense, almost unbearable. She hugs me tightly, a cruel smile playing on her lips. His laugh bursts out, a terrifying sound that makes my blood run cold.

She plays with my life, making me feel as insignificant as a toy in her hands. I struggle, but it's useless. I am at the mercy of her madness, a simple rat in the claws of a predator.

Suddenly, she throws me to the ground. I expect the worst, but the heel strikes never come. Instead, she stands over me, watching me struggle to catch my breath, her laughter echoing like the sound of a waking nightmare.

In this room, I am nothing more than a puppet in his macabre play. A horror play where I am the main character, destined to suffer the whims of a young girl with an angelic appearance but a dark heart.