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Story #7 - My new owner with stiletto heels

I still remember the day she walked into the pet store, a dazzling apparition that took the breath away from everyone who looked at her. There I was, in my cage, just another dog, secretly hoping to be chosen.

She was breathtakingly beautiful, with her red stiletto heels clicking on the floor with intimidating confidence. Her fox fur coat added to her look as a rich and sophisticated woman. Her face was perfectly made up, her eyes sparkled with a seductive glow. She seemed to exude an aura of power and wealth that fascinated me as much as it intimidated me.

She walked down the aisle, her eyes scanning each cage, assessing each dog. Then his gaze stopped on me. She leaned over and started talking to me, giving me simple commands: “Sit,” “Lay down.” Each time, I complied, hoping to please him. “Yes, that’s good… Good dog,” she would say, and those words filled me with pride.

But behind this facade of gentleness, I sensed something darker. I was afraid, terrified of this woman and her heels, but at the same time, I was in awe of her beauty and apparent power.

Then came the moment when she chose me. I was taken out of my cage, shaking, but excited by the prospect of this new life. She took me into her luxury car, and there she took out her lipstick, giving me a look that made my blood run cold. There was something sadistic in his expression, a glint that didn't bode well.

The car started, and she slammed on the brake pedal with furious force, sending me tipping every which way. I was banging against the walls of my cage, disoriented and scared. I felt like a toy in his hands, an accessory to his extravagant and unpredictable life.

I didn't know what the future held for me with this woman, this enigmatic and terrifying beauty. I was his new dog, a companion to his luxurious lifestyle, but at what cost?

The car engine turns off, and a heavy silence falls around us. My cage is gripped with a firmness that shakes me violently, leaving me disoriented. I feel the sway of my own movements as I am transported to an unknown destiny.

My new mistress's heels echo on the floor, a sound that makes my blood run cold. Each step is a terrifying echo that reverberates in my frightened mind. I can't see where I'm going, but I feel the fresh air and the smell of luxury mingling with a darker, more sinister feeling.

We enter the villa, and a shiver runs down my spine. I see traces of blood on the ground, a sight that both frightens and fascinates me. Next to it, a row of stilettos and high-heeled boots are neatly lined up, like trophies from a grisly hunt. On some, the blood still looks fresh, dripping around the edges, a horror sight that makes me tremble.

My cage is shaken roughly as we move through the house. Every movement is torment, every sound a warning of what awaits me. We finally arrive in a dark room, where the muffled sound of moans and muffled movements reaches me.

The light turns on, revealing a scene worthy of a nightmare. Cages, maybe ten, containing hamsters, rabbits and other dogs, all locked in small metal prisons. Their eyes stare at me, filled with a fear and resignation that I understand all too well.

My cage is thrown onto a shelf, leaving me disoriented and terrified. Then, my mistress's words reached me, chilling and sinister: "Soon, it will be your turn." These words echo in my mind, making me shudder with fear.

I find myself there, in my cage, surrounded by creatures who, like me, are lost in this world of horror. Every noise, every movement reminds me of my vulnerability. Fear is omnipresent, invading every fiber of my being.

I look at my mistress, this woman of haunting and terrifying beauty, and I feel torn between admiration and terror. She embodies both the promise of a world of luxury and the threat of an unimaginable destiny.

Hours pass, and I stand there, watching, waiting. Every noise makes me jump, every shadow makes me shiver. I am captive in this world where beauty mixes with horror, where every moment is a mixture of fascination and fear.

I struggle to understand my situation, to find meaning in this chaos. But the answer eludes me, as does the possibility of escape. I am a prisoner of this luxury villa, of this woman in high heels, and of the horror that seems to lurk in every corner.