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Story #8 - The preparation

In front of my mirror, I contemplate my stiletto heels lined up like soldiers ready for battle. Each pair tells a story, each worn sole brings back a memory. I touch them delicately, feeling the leather under my fingers, breathing in the scent of luxury and power. My eyes land on a black, patent pair, of formidable elegance. They are the ones I will choose today.

As I put them on, I feel a transformation taking place within me. Heels elevate my stature, straighten my back, and sharpen my walk. Each step is a stab to the ground, an affirmation of my presence. In these shoes, I am more than myself; I become a goddess, a predator.

I look at my reflection, admiring the woman I have become. My long black hair cascades over my shoulders, framing my perfectly made-up face. My lipstick, a dark red, is a warning as much as an invitation.

But it's not just for their beauty that I love these heels. This is for their destructive potential. Each insect crushed under these heels is a victory, a small triumph of my will over weakness and fragility. It's an exhilarating, addictive feeling. With each crunch, I feel my power growing, my femininity asserting itself.

As I prepare to go out, I think about tonight. To the pet store I will go to, to the creatures I will choose. I can already imagine them, crawling and insignificant, awaiting their inevitable end. A cruel smile stretches my lips. Today will be a good day. In the morning light, I feel invincible, unstoppable.

And yet, somewhere deep inside me, a voice whispers, sowing seeds of doubt. Am I monster or goddess? Predatory or simply lost in a cruel game? I chase away these thoughts. Today, nothing can touch me. Not in these heels. Not with this strength of mine.

I come out of my room, ready to face the world, a queen in her kingdom of concrete and steel, a queen with a black soul, hidden behind a mask of impeccable beauty.