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Why do I use a corn as a Logo?

logo is a combination of text and imagery that tells people the name of your small business and creates a visual symbol that represents your vision. It's a big part of your brand identity (what people will see). A good logo is memorable, differentiates you from everyone else, and fosters brand loyalty


Many years ago, when I was still a kid I open the Dictionary of Britannic Encyclopedia to look for a word and saw my surname "Gameiro" in there. This is when I did found out the word "Gameiro" was also the name of a variety of a yellow corn. From that time on I start using corn as symbol where ever I could. I just thought you would be wondering why corn??


7 Reasons Why a Logo is Important:

1. It Grabs Attention

2. It Makes a Strong First Impression

3. It's the Foundation of Your Brand Identity

4. It's Memorable

5. It Separates You From Competition

6. It Fosters Brand Loyalty

7. Your Audience Expects it