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Maybe You Should Be Ungrateful

Using madness to get more…

The self-improvement niche often discusses the importance of gratitude, positive visualization, affirmations, etc.

I want to make it very clear that my goal here isn't to criticize or make fun of people who rely on such methods and philosophies.

If you've been around long enough, you know for a fact I am an unbearable optimist of life. After all, pessimistics often have a tougher life.

Still, to say that only thinking positive and failing to accept the negative that you might be feeling, is to ignore your body and mind messages that something needs correction, and that something might not be solved with a simple “just be more positive”.

How and When to Be Grateful

Imagine you're walking down the street and after a long day of work, you get assaulted and lose your phone.

Oh man, what a day. When you think it can't get any worse, life says “Say no more” and pulls a prank on you.

This is the moment you try to make sense of it all and are often encouraged to think positively.

But let's be honest: What in the fuck is positive about getting robbed?!

Why can’t you get mad?

Then think: “Maybe if I was doing what I said I wanted to, I’d be working in a much better and safer place, the one that wouldn't require me to risk my life every day like I am doing. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, this is a wake-up call from God, life, the Universe, whatever you want to name it so that I actually change and start making substantial progress in my life.”

Sometimes bad things happen so that you can take that moment not to feel forcefully grateful for disgrace, but that you can use it to learn from it, reflect, and see it as a sign that it needs correction, not a thank you.