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Self-Belief As Your Eternal Resource

Hope isn’t the last thing to die…

It doesn’t matter if you are spiritual, religious or atheist, faith is that one magical component that all people worldwide possess.

That goes beyond confidence, which might commonly come from competence at something they’re very good at, which comes from excessive and obsessive consistent repetition.

It is what some call the ‘It’ factor. Faith isn’t crying to God that you hate your life and want to change your circumstances, yet aren’t proactively doing something to alter such reality.

Even miracles need some motivation for them to happen. It starts with you, always.

Prayers can only go as far as your actions do. Meditation and visualizations are not the outcome, but a means to an end.

It is easy to fall into the trap that deliberate action with no conscious thought behind it will get you where you want to be, or that ‘belief’ in yourself is the only thing that you need, but those who truly succeed at anything in life know this:

Definite constant action backed with a versatile plan and unwavering faith in one’s ability to achieve one's highest ambitions is the fatal combination that will make anyone get out of bed and conquer this planet.