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The #1 Life Advantage You Don't Use

But you should…

There are over 8 billion souls on this planet…

Real people, good and evil, with different lives, upbringings, privileges, disadvantages, successes and failures.

When you think you have something else going in your life, an exciting discovery or a moment of enlightenment that makes you think for a moment that you might be the exception in this world, that’s when it hits:

If you’re a one-in-a-million type, there are at least thousands of people out there with the same qualifications.

Well, that’s what they (society) want you to think. The agonizing idea is that the grass is always greener on the other side.

Even if that happens to be partially true, let me tell you a little secret; your so-called competition has the same fears, the same self-doubt, and therefore the same mentality that your grass is greener and you are their competition.

They may not verbalize it that way, because who would, right? To make oneself vulnerable in front of others is to show a moment of weakness that can potentially get you hurt in some way.

They are just better than you at pretending like something doesn’t affect them at all.

Once you understand this, your life changes forever and ever…

Your biggest advantage in life isn’t your money, your status, or even your skills and time.

Your number one advantage in life is the ability to be your highest self.

The most authentic version of yourself you could ever aspire to become.

That lack of fear for the judgment of others gets you into the flow, not in your job or social life, but in every realm of it.

Think about it: not giving a damn about what someone else thinks of you, since that is only their business, having the natural charisma that’s born from your own style of communication and body language.

The books, manuals, podcasts, mentors, etc can only take you so far…

But the courage to truly put yourself out there and not back off when you’re confronted by those who are nothing but jealous of your attempt at being you is what will get you to live the life you’ve always desired.

Those who try to emulate what confidence, charisma or passion looks like can only dream of being the world leader you become once you speak your truth and are unapologetically yourself.