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Welcome to the Pet Skins page!

What are Pet Skins?:

Pet skins bring color to your base pets. Each skin has a base pet that it's meant for. Make sure you have the correct base skin before purchasing any of these custom skins.

What are Pet Skin Tiers?:

Pet skin tiers are categorized based on how much more complex the skin is, in comparison to it's base pet form. Pet skin tiers only apply to my 5.0 pets and above.

Pet skin tiers are listed as such:

  • Tier 1: Basic texturing of the base pet model

(Cost: 5$+)

  • Tier 2: Basic texturing of the base pet model, with small mesh additions.

(Cost: 10$+)

  • Tier 3: Remodeling of the base pet with fairly complex texturing.

(Cost: 15$+)

Collections / Pet Skins

Pet Skins