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Nancy White - Fer-de-Lance


Kevin Kwan - Crazy Rich Asians (2013, Doubleday)


Colleen Hoover - Ugly Love


The Simple Path to Wealth by J. L. Collins


I robot-How to be a footballer 2


Jodi Picoult - Keeping Faith


Jodi Picoult - Picture Perfect 2002


Jodi Picoult - House Rules


Kevin Kwan - Rich People Problems-Doubleday


How to text a girl


Kevin Kwan - China Rich Girlfriend


Colleen Hoover - Confess_ A Novel-Atria Books


Thug Kitchen: The Official Cookbook: Eat Like You Give a F*ck (Thug Kitchen Cookbooks)


DeleteRachel Hollis - Girl, Stop Apologizing_ A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals


Erik Larson - The Splendid and the Vile A Saga of Churchill, Family, and Defiance During the Blitz (2020, Crown)


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