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Teambuilder 21: Whatsisname?


Teambuilder 20: Concentration


Teambuilder 19: Millionaire's Row


Teambuilder 18: Call My Bluff


Teambuilder 17: Moon Landing


Teambuilder 16: Lost at Sea


Teambuilder 15: The Perfect Leader


Teambuilder 14: Decision Time


Teambuilder 13: Picture Puzzles


Teambuilder 12: Plane Crash Survival


Teambuilder 11: Is Randolph Guilty?


Teambuilder 10: Picture This


Teambuilder 09: It's Good to Talk


Teambuilder 08: Sign In


Teambuilder 07: Communication Cards


About Me

Hi, I'm Eric Garner and we're Manage Train Learn. One of the oldest and most successful e-learning companies in the world with thousands of delighted users. What do we do? We help you become outstanding managers, trainers, and learners. How do we do that? Through the power of the most-widely-used e-learning product on the planet: PowerPoint. Discover things you didn't know PowerPoint could do with over 53,000 soft skills slides, 1060 presentations, and 870 topics. It's a simple success story. PowerPoint. Us. And you. You've got it, used it, and watched it. Now, learn and succeed with it! Subscribe for a free 100 slides from anywhere on our site right NOW.