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About Me

My name is Mark Anthony Dyson, and I am the Founder of The

 Voice of Job Seekers. I am a career consultant and career advice writer, podcast host, but importantly, a job seeker advocate.

This is the third year presenting my free eBook under various titles, “421 Modern Job Search Tips 2021.” If you are on my mailing list, you’ll get the link for this eBook. Many of you who are downloading this 2021 guide will go on the mailing list. If you don’t want to be on the list, feel free to unsubscribe, keep and  use the guide. If you unsubscribe, at least keep in touch through

 LinkedIn. I share a lot of job search advice there as well as other resources to be as helpful as possible.

Let me share a little bit about myself. I have pivoted a little since I began as a career professional in 2010.

My focus is writing career advice and job search content for start- ups who provide sound advice for their readers. I have written more than 700 articles for my blog and such companies as

Glassdoor, Payscale,,, and The Financial Diet among others.

I also present at colleges and other organizations, facilitated many workshops, and regularly write and create useful job search content on this blog.

I love helping job seekers with the process of finding a career and solve their job search dilemmas. This award-winning blog helps me reach you and your job search in ways I hope you find refreshing and encouraging.

My mission: I hack and reimagine the job search process. I share what I find and hope you find the advice actionable and useful.

The Voice of Job Seekers is about solutions from many angles, unravel employer mysteries, and answer as many questions to help you. I help job seekers from all educational and cultural backgrounds. Even if you are employed and looking to move on, you will find advice that will fit your situation. I provide individual consultation, coaching, mentoring, and development to give you the voice an employer is waiting to hear. I can customize an affordable package for you and your job search and career management needs.


My background…I have been on both sides of the hiring spectrum as a job seeker and a hiring manager in the call center and retail management world. The last nine years I have counseled, coached, consulted, and mentored hundreds of job seekers with their job search. One of the highlights of my career as a consultant was traveling and training job seekers at Army federal bases on the east coast and Midwest of the United States.


I have helped hundreds of job seekers with their job search strategies with tools, resources, and coaching. I achieved a B. A in Communications from the University of South Florida, and a MAEd. specializing in Adult Education and Training from the

University of Phoenix. It is a perfect marriage of my experience as a writer, career consultant, a job search strategist, and as an educator.