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Chefchaouen the charming bride

Chefchaouen, the blue diamond

Popular in Chefchaouen, the charming bride

  1. Akchour Waterfalls
  2. Talassemtane National Park
  3. Grand Mosque
  4. Carpet Stores
  5. Old Medina of Chefchaouen

Built on a mountainside, Chefchaouen is a city with a special vibes. It unique charm gives an impression of unreality. With its blue-rinsed houses, the whole city seems to be bathed in azure. You walk around as if you were in a dream.

More than just an ornament, the beautiful Chefchaouen brims with attractions. Its heritage is rich. The inescapable Medina with its famous narrow winding alleys, is an opportunity to mingle with the local population, and to smell and taste delights: from freshly baked bread, to skillfully prepared tagines. There is also the Kasbah which stands in the middle of the old quarter: its lush gardens, located in the center of the city, are a haven of freshness. Its museum which is home to a collection of old weapons, some photos of the city, and textiles, is a must-see.

Boasting its unique geographical position, Chefchaouen is a paradise for walkers. The paths of the surrounding mountains offer pleasant hiking activities. You’ll explore a new side of Morocco, that of the Rif mountain range, as you stroll them.

Make the most of your stay in the picture perfect Blue city !

The must-see places in and around Chefchaouen, the charming bride

The essentials of Chefchaouen, the charming bride


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