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Honey Let Me Tell You (Paperback)


Honey Let Me Tell You (Hardcover)


Honey Let Me Tell You...The Novel (hardcover)


About Me

R. L. Norman is the author of the popular "Honey Let Me Tell You" gay book series. The first book titled "The Miss Adventures of Being Miss Understood," starts the journey of the main character, Norman, and his search to find his "Perfect Stranger"; his one true love. Currently he has just finished the fifth part of the series titled "Honey Hush…Don't Ask and I Won't Tell" As well, he performs "Norman's One Night Stand," a one-man show he conceived and wrote, showcasing the main character of his series. He portrays Norman's miss adventures of life, love and relationships thru jokes, laughter and music. He is also the writer of the monthly column titled "Honey Let Me Tell You Something" which can be found on And the host of the Podcast/Radio show titled "Honey Let Me Tell You Something Else.. The R. L. Norman Show" on itunes In addition, R.L. is writing a play based on the "Honey Let Me Tell You," series to bring Norman's misadventures of being misunderstood to life. R. L., a native of S.C. who resides in Washington, DC, is forming his own production company; Honey Let Me Tell You Productions; with his many endeavors. You may reach R.L. at: email:; on Facebook: RL NORMAN; on Twitter: rl_norman; and on Instagram: rlnorman1; website: