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Can You Hear The Voice In The Silence?

There's a voice out there in the silence. Did you hear?

In the calmness of your heart, did you perceive?

I have been living with someone without a voice

He has taught me a thing or two

Rabbit is his name, would you say "Hello!"

say hello!

'A rabbit's wish' so he spoke.


A Rabbit’s wish 

Hopping in and out

Of a kind human house.

Freely sniff all around,

Without holds and bounds.

Hopping in and out

There was a time I was first held, 

My heart trembled unwell.

Her arms wrapped me

Snug like a baby

Melted all the frozen peas.

I'm now in a world sweeter than blackberries.

I hop and flop all around with no worries.

I uttered to her with a smile,

"If this is a dream, I should stay a longer while"

2 years passed, came 2 chicks,

Chirped all day long for weeks.

I said "Noooooo!!!! Not for this!!"

I don’t wish my peace to be missed 

two chicks

One morning, i was woken to

A cock-a-doodle-doo

The chicks have grown, lo n behold 

Cluck cluck cluck all be told...

I tried being friendly 

By approaching gently, 

But none bothered,

When I offered,

"Would you like some broccoli?"

Would you like broccoli?

On one cold thundery night,

The chickens were asleep inside,

I went out for some bite 

But came home with the doors shut tight 

I barked, i cockadoodledooed n I meowed,

"Mommy, have you forgotten me?"

I shouted out loud. 

No one heard

Though they love;

I know they do, 

I whispered silently,

"Why has no one ever heard?

If I have a voice will you listen?"

This is the wish hidden inside of me.



Is there someone around you who is like a rabbit without voice? Can you hear the voice in that silence?

Perhaps, we can all try to...

Walk a little slower

Linger a little longer

Hold on to a little lesser

Then see if we can hear a little clearer.

And I'm wishing your tomorrow be lovelier..

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