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Understanding DUI Laws in Santa Cruz, CA: Your Legal Rights and Obligations

Have you ever wondered about the specifics of DUI laws in Santa Cruz, CA? Are you aware of your legal rights and obligations if you're ever stopped on suspicion of DUI? In this article, we aim to provide an in-depth understanding of DUI laws in Santa Cruz and how they affect you.

What is a DUI?

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a serious offense in Santa Cruz, CA. It involves operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs, including prescription medications. The legal limit for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in California is 0.08% for drivers over 21, 0.01% for drivers under 21, and 0.04% for commercial drivers.

Your Rights During a DUI Stop

If you're stopped by a police officer who suspects you of DUI, it's crucial to understand your rights. You have the right to remain silent and not incriminate yourself. You can refuse field sobriety tests, but refusing a chemical test after arrest may lead to severe penalties.

Penalties for DUI in Santa Cruz

A DUI arrest can lead to severe consequences, including fines, jail time, license suspension, mandatory DUI education programs, and more. These penalties increase with repeat offenses.

Defending Your Rights

If you're facing DUI charges in Santa Cruz, it's essential to have an experienced DUI Attorney in Santa Cruz on your side. A skilled lawyer can help you understand your rights, navigate the legal process, and advocate for the best possible outcome.

For more information, please visit our Santa Cruz office or call us at 831-204-0773 for a free consultation.


Understanding the DUI laws in Santa Cruz, CA, and your rights during a DUI stop can help you make informed decisions and protect your rights. However, the best way to avoid the serious consequences of a DUI conviction is to avoid drinking and driving altogether. Stay safe, and know your rights.