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Doll Guide

Awcouq Tutorial Transcript

To make a basic Awcouq doll you'll need:

-3mm thick Elastic


-5x3 mm Magnets

-Super Glue

-Pliers, Clippers, and Sandpaper

  1. Print preferred pieces, to make a basic doll you'll need to print 2 of each of the limb pieces and 1 of each of the torso and head pieces. All pieces labeled LR at the end will need their second piece mirrored to create left and right sides.
  2. Clean up prints with clippers and sandpaper. Make 4 small hooks out of paperclips (or use 14mm premade ones) and attach them by super gluing a paperclip bar into the hands and feet premade holes. Super glue 4 magnets into the baseplate and faceplate (there is cut out holes in those pieces), make sure the magnetic poles are facing to the plates can magnetize together.
  3. Cut 2 elastics that are the length of 20cm and 45cm, tie the ends of each to make them into loops. Now, string all the pieces together as shown in the guide, using a string or ribbon to pull the elastic through the channels. Hook elastics to the hands and feet and Tie off the bigger elastic in the head, make the stringing as tight as you prefer.

Now you should have a complete doll!

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