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Unlocking the Mysteries of Consciousness: Unveil Your Inner Reality

Unlocking the Mysteries of Consciousness: Unveil Your Inner Reality

I can only speak for myself when I say enough with this Satanism, me against you, us against them hype. It feels like everything we believe is a lie, from the moon landing to the death of Michael Jackson.

I personally chuckle at the notion of Secret Societies and their supposed special knowledge, especially in this year of our Lord 2024. I'm not saying that Secret Societies in the past didn't possess esoteric knowledge; on the contrary, I believe they did. But fast forward to today, money and power have made life for the elite so easy that esoteric knowledge isn't really necessary to gain and maintain control over the masses. They're so conditioned that you could tell them the sky is green, and they'd believe you.

Now, there's a method to my madness; I'm not ranting like our pastors and politicians. No, I'm just a little old me ranting from a place of understanding. You see, I've been on a quest for truth my whole life, and what I've found is my truth, a revelation bestowed upon me by the divine. I want to make it crystal clear that my truth isn't necessarily your truth; it's your mission to find your own without relying on an intermediary. There's a saying that goes, "He who thinks he knows, knows nothing," and for that reason, I'm not claiming to have fully unraveled the mysteries of life, so please bear that in mind as you dive deeper into my rabbit hole.

I believe that the seekers of old did indeed acquire secret knowledge. They tapped into the power of the subconscious and mastered its utilization to manifest greatness. This innate power, bestowed upon all humans by the divine, grants us dominion over everything in the universe. I believe it's every soul's purpose to seek this truth, enduring hardships that prepare them for their own revelation.

Imagine a world where children are taught the truth about themselves, that all is one and one is all—a single consciousness, a single light experiencing this realm through separate manifestations. Consider where humanity would be if everyone knew their power and could manifest for the greater good. Yes, I understand your skepticism about those who would seek to abuse this power, but remember, this is my truth. Don't let your mind wander and complicate matters. Focus, stick with me.

Returning to the seekers of old, these individuals realized that hoarding this knowledge would grant them dominion over the masses, as long as they kept the truth hidden. Alright, here's the plan: outlaw all esoteric knowledge, label it as witchcraft and the devil's work. Burn those who practice it at the stake and persecute any nation that dares to possess such knowledge. Introduce a religion that dictates the way of life and the laws of existence, spreading it across the globe. Travel far and wide, discover new continents, and conquer their inhabitants, rape and kill them and then teach them the ways of God's love through force if necessary. I know, it sounds like quite the historical saga, but let's stay on track.

Exploring the Enigma of Consciousness: Discover Your Truth

Now, you might be wondering, what's my real truth? What revelation did I receive? Well, religion took over the world, but as the old guard passed away, their heirs, lazy and spoiled, took the reins. In my quest for truth, I stumbled upon an initiation ceremony for a new Mason, and let me tell you, it was a farce, laughable, a very bad night at the opera to say the least. I Believe they only exist in modern times to share influence and dominate through currency - they are no longer endowed with the special powers their ancestors possessed.

Enter Satan—well, the suspicion of Satanism among the elite is a godsend for them, pun intended. People believing they are Satanists gives them an edge, something to be fearful of, a separation of sorts that gives them a shield to hide behind knowing that ordinary God fearing People will always move aside for them in order not to get too involved in their cult. But people are waking up, turning to practices like meditation and mindfulness. They're realizing their power to manifest their own realities, and the elite are losing their grip. Pandemics and lockdowns aim to control the masses, but consciousness is expanding.

Uncomfortable questions are being asked, like why some Christians believe in Jewish prophecies when they deny Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus said  “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me John 14.6 - how is it that some Christians believe the Jews have a Prophecy to fulfill, if they deny that Jesus is the messiah? Now, before you call me anti-Semitic, hear me out. I'm just presenting the truth as I see it. Investigate for yourself by reading the Jewish Talmud if you have a day in your life you want to ruin. I am now very tempted to jump into the Catholic scriptures and how it was changed by the Popes Since i am fluent in Catholic, baptized Communion and Confirmed, but I digress lets to stay on track - Read my Book Spirituality Beyond Dogmatic text where I dive deep into religious scripture and its origins.

In conclusion, here's my unfiltered truth: all is one and one is all. We're surrounded by God; everything is God. I quote the Gospel of Thomas (A Gospel left out of the Bible) 77Jesus said, "I am the light that is over all things."I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all attained.

Split a piece of wood; I am there.

Lift up the stone, and you will find me there.”

I believe that we have power beyond our wildest dreams, Power to create, power to heal and power to destroy.

Satan, to me, is our human mind and ego, the source of our anxieties and fears, illness and death - we are being ruled and led by people with severe Maya (Monkey-mind Satan-Mind) people that are uniquely unqualified to be in those positions. But have no fear because they outplayed themselves, they lost control and the enlightened are on the verge of taking over.

Within us lies the light of God, our soul, compassionate and loving. We're the embodiment of yin and yang, fighting the battle of good and evil within ourselves every day. When we conquer that battle, we can shape the external world to our desires and nothing will be able to stop us. 

That is My Truth - Now go find your own.


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