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November 20, 2009

a little girl's apron

(pictures missing from Blogger)

Wednesday I made an apron for my 3½ year old granddaughter Abby. It’s part of her third birthday gift. Yup, that’s right—I’m way late. This will be the first time we’ve seen them since early in the spring, and I’d rather wait and give the gift late than not see her open it.

Anyway, I’m also an Avon rep, and Avon had a kid’s baking set awhile back. There’s a rolling pin, measuring spoons, and a cutting board, I think. I decided it needed an apron. Since they’ll be here next weekend, I figured I better get moving and get an apron made. 

I tried finding a pattern online, found a few, but nothing that really clicked with me. I started digging around in my old Kwik Sew patterns from when my daughter was little and found a dress that had a pinafore. I decided that the pinafore would fit the bill. I didn’t put a back on it, added waist ties and a tie around the neck. I didn’t like the idea of tying around the neck, so I dug around in my boxes of stuff and found a set of plastic buckles, something like this. Then I decided that it seemed to be too bulky so I just used 2 of the tri-sliders, it will be adjustable but not come open. I made it reversible, so that all the raw edges are enclosed, nothing to ravel out. As soon as I get a picture taken I’ll post that. Avon also had a Hershey’s cookbook that I got for her. [ooh, lots of good sounding recipes in there!]

They will be coming up on Friday, and that will be the birthday celebration for all 3 of the kids. Tyler’s birthday was in August, and Brandon’s is right before Christmas [I’ll be early for his!] I have this idea in my head that I should bake sugar cookies and Saturday morning we would make turkey cookies. One cookie is the base, with another standing up with candy corn for the tail. The body is a gumdrop with a piece of candy corn for the beak. I may come to my senses before then, if not, I’ll make sure somebody is taking pictures. If I get the turkey in the oven, have the dressing ready to go into the crockpot, have the potatoes peeled, and everything else organized, we should have plenty of time to do turkeys, right?