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What is TRUE Sound Healing? and the meaning of Solfeggio Frequencies.

Audio in WAV file = 100% quality of sound & solfeggio frequencies = TRUE Sound Healing, and this file format is never used on the internet and online to listen to by streaming or watching. For streaming of the audio and videos (with the audio) at our YouTube channel, this WAV file is always made much smaller, this is called compressing of the audio. WAV is compressed to mp3 & mpeg4 file format and then you lose approx 50% quality of sound and solfeggio frequencies. Use a good sound system because full body immersion in sound and frequencies has a better effect on our Quantum Biology than headphones. Be aware that the frequencies of wireless headphones are slowly burning your braincells! Exciting times for us as Humans and Starseeds to become Aware of Unlocking our Quantum Biology. Our DNA is surrounded by a layer of structured water and is sensitive to vibratory frequency information and infrared energy. This is why hydration and sunlight are so important!


When you start listening to the WAV audio files, you will definitely FEEL and HEAR that!


Sound and Music is always healing, because it gives expression to our feelings, where most of the time, words and language are just not enough.


Normal music is tuned in 440 Hz. That is not optimal for us (and also for all other living species, like plants and animals). Because 440 Hz is out of tune with Nature! It does not have the geometric properties that the Laws of Nature (flow) have, like the Sacred Geometry. 432 Hz and all the Solfegio frequencies are in tune with Nature and the Sacred Geometry. And we can feel and sense that in a way, that it is soothing and feel much better then normal music and sound in 440 Hz, the standard music industry.


All Solfeggio frequencies have different properties:


174 Hz: Gives you more body awareness, helps with embodiment of ascension. Works on the physical level of the body, plus the physical and emotional aura. Helps with stress release: more relaxation and less tension in the body.


285 Hz: Can help with regeneration on a physical level. Balancing the energy flow in the lower chakras. Helps with stress release: more relaxation and less tension in the body.


396 Hz: Balances root chakra. Relieves worry, anxiety, fear and guilt. Unblocks negative energy. Releases stress of past trauma. Motivates to achieve your goals.


417 Hz: Balances sacral chakra. Healing trauma on interconnected levels. Helps with sensuality, sexuality, pleasure and joy. Metabolises creative energies and facilitates change in life to create new beginnings.


432 Hz: Frequency of Nature. Is in resonance with the Schumann Resonance of 8 Hz, which is the vibration of Earth. Our DNA replicates at a frequency of 8 Hz. 432 is a key number in Sacred Geometry & resonates with the Golden Ratio.


528 Hz: Balances solar plexus chakra. In harmony with creation and nature. Resonates at the heart of everything. Also known as 'the LOVE frequency' and 'the MIRACLE tone'. Found in oxygen, chlorofyl, the sun & the sound of bees. 528 Hz is used by genetic biochemists to repair DNA.


639 Hz. Frequency of the Heart Chakra. Is all about harmony in relationships. Experiences love on a deeper new level. Reconnects us with love for self and others. Helps with communication & understanding. Opens your heart with tolerance & compassion.


741 Hz: Speaking your personal truth will empower you and is needed in this Aquarian Age. Frequency of the Throat Chakra and intuition.


852 Hz: Frequency of the 3rd eye chakra Awakening your intuition. Reset to a state of original spiritual order. Increases spiritual consciousness.


963 Hz. Pineal gland & Crown Chakra activator. Seed mantra for this chakra is "AH". Connection with a higher guidance. Deeper connection with the Divine. “The frequency of the Gods”. Oneness and Unity. 


But you have to know and realize it is not as simple as these descriptions of the Solfeggio frequencies. Because 963 Hz can make unconcious fears conscious and because of this your throat chakra heals and open up. Or another example: 639 Hz makes you have a big stress release and you start crying and releasing all those deep seated tears and because of this you get an increased spiritual consciousness and your root chakra feels much better. Yes, all is possible and ALL IS CONNECTED in the Quantum field! It is really Quantum Biology.


My advice is to never listen to frequencies by the so called given knowledge about this frequencies. That is really too simple and it doesnot work like this!


It is also very important! to feel and choose the Solfeggio frequency that gives the deepest relaxation! This reaction of the body (autonomic nervous system) with the deepest relaxation is putting your body in Healing State! This is all connected to the Laws of Nature (flow) and the Sacred Geometry.


When you start listening to the WAV audio files, you will definitely FEEL and HEAR that! We have these available at our Bandcamp we have the Starseed Meditation Music per release, or with a year subscirption you get the whole previous catalogue and all new release for the upcoming year, from the starting date that you subscribed, for 33,33 euros per year. Bandcamp is for personal use only.


For Licensing Pleiadian Music for Commercial usage and Commercial Music Composition you can find more info Licensing Pleiadian Music for Commercial Use & Commercial Music Composition


It is also possible to have your Personalized Sound Healing in Solfeggio tuning.

You will receive:

+ 9 minute Sound Healing (WAV + mp3) channeled and composed by Pleiadian Music

After purchase we will contact you. Pleiadian Music (Monica) works with a 15 minute videocall to connect to you before channeling your Personalized Ssound Healing.

It is possible to combine this with a personalized Lightcode Activation

Personalized Starseed Meditation Music by Pleiadian Music


Important is you Master techniques for stress release, so you can work with your triggers and de energies.


By feeling the deepest relaxation on a frequency, you start healing from the unconscious level and that is also why you cannot know what is happening and why and how. This is the art of true deep healing. Being in that flow state, not being triggered any more and having no resistance energy. And being in that state and something pops up while you are using frequencies then being able to gently process through these energetic layers that are healed and getting into a flow state instead or a resistance state. I can teach you this in 1 on 1 sessions.


Much Love & Light with Blessings & Appreciation, Monica van der Lem = Pleiadian Music


Make shure to check our BLOG Energy Tools for Starseeds & very High Sensitive People