Welcome to Projekt IMP 世界™
Illusion Game HS2/AI, KK/Sunshine & HC character card store
- All character build / modification by Projekt IMP. For original mods, creator will always be mentioned at each of the character that use mods, please do support mod creator listed in the description for their awesome works.
- All mods are available to download for free at Better Repack
- You must be an adult (according to your country law) to be able to view or making purchase to our products. If you are considered as underage, please leave our store immediately.
- Our works are fictional and meant to be used for gameplay and artwork studio purposes ONLY. Please read our ToS 1.o & 1.p for more details.
- If you experienced any problems or have any question, feel free to reach our support
Email Support : projektimpworld@gmail.com
Have a good day, enjoy and have FUN!!
Best regards, Projekt IMP 世界