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Deb Messina -

Welcome to Quiltblox

Each of the Patterns and Quilt Label Sets listed below is a digital download (PDF). All include detailed instructions, diagrams and pictures to help you be successful with your project. Also included in the patterns - are large images and diagrams, detailed instructions, examples and tips to guide you as you work to complete your project.

Many of the patterns also include multiple sizes within the same pattern - making them a useful tool for you now and into the future.

Every one of the patterns has been rigorously tested and found to be clear and accurate. That being said, should you run across anything that looks like an error - please contact me right away and I will review it and post corrections if necessary.

Thanks for choosing Quiltblox patterns, I appreciate it very much!

QB154 - The Pillow Case Project


QB155 - Quilt Label Set 16 - Sewing and Quilting Theme Quilt Labels - Set of 4


QB156 - Quilt Label Set 17 - Sewing and Quilting Theme Quilt Labels - Set of 4


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