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Terms of Service

General ToS for mods

  • Do not reupload my mods and claim as your own
  • Do not use my mods as a base for your own
  • Do not use in paid commissions
  • Do edit my mods for private use only

Personal Tattoos

I sell the tattoo only once, so it's private until you yourself decide to share it.

As a buyer you can decide if you want to keep it private or share it to friends, use it for free commissions, or share it publicly on Discord servers as much as you like. It's yours, with a few conditions.

ToS in a nutshell, if you share the personal tattoo mod

  • Credit me, the author

You can:

  • Share the mod free of charge to others as much as you like publicly or privately
  • Use the tattoo as a part of free commissions as you like

Do not:

  • Claim as your own
  • Redistribute as your own
  • Ask money for the tattoo mod you bought
  • Use in paid commissions, but you can always check with me personally

Refund policy

  • No refunds or returns on paid digital products
  • No refunds for tips

These are digital products, and you get the product shipped instantly by having a download link after a purchase. If you aren't happy with your purchase or encounter any problems, don't hesitate to contact me.

Discord: renjixiv