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First blog post!!!

Heyo, it's Poppy!

For anyone coming here from my socials, welcome to the blog. Truthfully, I'm having a hard time thinking of what to write. There's a lot that I want to talk about, but I'll try to narrow it down to be comprehensible.

Maybe I should explain the purpose of this blog thing? It's nothing serious or huge; I guess I'm becoming a bit frustrated with social media and want to experiment with something new. To be clear, I'll still be posting on those platforms! I might change the format of my posts to lead people to my blog, however.

I could also treat this as improving my writing, since it's something I like to do in my spare time. Don't expect any major stories; it'll most likely be OC bios or random ideas I have at 3am.

So that's pretty much it for now. Thanks for reading, and I hope you guys have a wonderful day!