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What are digital products and why should you sell them?

Black woman sitting at a desk creating digital products for her business

Digital products are any products that you create, sell, and deliver online. They can be anything from ebooks, courses, software, music, videos, podcasts, and more. Unlike physical products, digital products do not require inventory, shipping, or handling. They can be accessed and consumed by anyone with an internet connection and a device.

Digital products have many advantages over physical products. Here are some of the benefits of selling digital products online:

- **Scalability**: You can create a digital product once and sell it to an unlimited number of customers without worrying about running out of stock or fulfilling orders. You can also automate the delivery process using tools like email marketing or membership platforms.

- **Profitability**: You can sell your digital products at a higher profit margin than physical products because you do not have to pay for the cost of goods sold (COGS), such as materials, labor, packaging, and shipping. You also do not have to deal with returns, refunds, or customer service issues as much as physical products.

- **Creativity**: You can unleash your creativity and passion by creating digital products that showcase your skills, knowledge, or talents. You can also experiment with different formats, topics, and niches to find your ideal audience and product-market fit.

- **Flexibility**: You can work from anywhere and anytime as long as you have access to the internet and a device. You can also set your own prices, launch dates, and marketing strategies for your digital products. You have full control over your business and income.

- **Impact**: You can make a positive impact on the world by sharing your valuable content with people who need it. You can help them solve their problems, achieve their goals, or improve their lives with your digital products. You can also build a loyal fan base and a personal brand by connecting with your customers.

How to create and sell digital products online

If you are interested in creating and selling digital products online, here are some steps to follow:

1. **Choose a niche**: Find a niche that you are passionate about and that has a demand in the market. You can use tools like Google Trends¹, Amazon Best Sellers², or Udemy³ to research popular topics and trends in your niche.

2. **Create a product**: Decide what type of digital product you want to create based on your skills, resources, and audience preferences. You can use tools like Canva⁴, WordPress⁵, or Teachable⁶ to create different types of digital products such as ebooks, websites, or courses.

3. **Set up a platform**: Choose a platform where you want to host and sell your digital product. You can use platforms like Shopify⁷, Gumroad⁸, or Sellfy⁹ to create an online store and accept payments for your digital product.

4. **Market your product**: Promote your digital product to your target audience using various marketing channels such as social media, email marketing, blogging, podcasting, or video marketing. You can use tools like Mailchimp[^10^], Buffer¹¹, or YouTube¹² to create and distribute your marketing content.

5. **Launch your product**: Launch your digital product to the public and start generating sales. You can use tools like Product Hunt, Launchrock, or ThriveCart to create a launch campaign and offer incentives such as discounts, bonuses, or referrals for your early customers.


Digital products are a great way to start or grow an online business. They offer many benefits such as scalability, profitability, creativity, flexibility, and impact. To create and sell digital products online, you need to choose a niche, create a product, set up a platform, market your product, and launch your product.

If you want to learn more about how to create and sell digital products online, check out our ebook: From Idea to Launch | Digital Product Success Blueprint

It will teach you everything you need to know about creating and selling digital products online in 2023.

Download it now!