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Here's our simple terms for our models/Assets.

⁶⁶⁶ / When you purchase our products you must understand you have the right to customize and add whatever you wish to said item / retexture .

But you cannot claim said product as yours I am the original mesh creator.

⁶⁶⁶ / Giving us an invalid discord / Information will render your rights to our assets . ( we don't ask for much )

⁶⁶⁶ / Please DO NOT import our assets to other games that aren't allowed in our provided list.

(ex , Chillout vr , helosvr )

If you plan to turn our models into vtubers please contact us ( we love to support streamers !! )

⁶⁶⁶ / Failure to adhere to terms of service will result in fines and legal action. You may be asked to cease and removal as well.