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Rosh Codesh Tov - Kislev 5784 - Ima's Prayer

This post is for any man, woman, teen or child who feels there is something more to life that he or she has not yet seen or experienced. Please do not underestimate the tiny serendipitous moments and the people you meet in your life's journey. It may be the pivotal moment you've long awaited. It may take years for you to understand. But if you are paying attention, you will eventually understand everything.

Evil men do not understand judgment: but those that seek the LORD understand all things. Proverbs 28:5

I remember being at a woman's group and a lovely woman sharing with me what her father asked of her as a young woman. He asked that she not work on Rosh Codesh (the first day of the new Hebrew calendar month). He asked her to promise him she would honor it as well as the new moons etc. He said there was a special blessing for the woman who does so.

I felt she was speaking to me. But I was like a toddler learning algebra. I was too busy asking myself why I was even there. Was this group for me? I heard. But did not fully understand. 

Don't work or labor on Rosh Chodesh? What? Should I still go shopping for groceries as I planned to that day? Post in my blog that day etc? Was that work? How extensive was this promise?

She didn't specify. But she implied that whatever was considered "work" or laborious for that woman was acceptable sacrifice.

That woman may decide not to go to work (perhaps if self-employed) that day, or do house chores. She may take the day to pray, study, or attend a woman's study group as I did that day, by chance, may I add. There are no coincidences with God.

I press forward and continue to study, learn, allow these lessons to unfold, and grow spiritually. I hope you do too.

As fortunate as I am to hear directly from Moschiach (occasionally) and the Living God (always a surprise to me), there is also something special about being properly mentored by a wise elder. I cherish discussions of all those with whom I met along my journey that helped guide me to the blessing that unfolds for me today. I don't take any of these moments for granted.

When a group of people, but particularly a group of righteous women, unite as one or even one single ima (mother) with a heart felt prayer to Almighty God, it can be more powerful than an AK47. There are many distressed mothers (and fathers) with sons and daughters on the front lines.

Many of their children are serving and being called from Reserve to the IDF during this Israel-Gaza War of 2023 (5784). It is a daunting but also auspicious time.

These women intuitively know we are very close to the time of Moshiach. In fact, now that these mothers and women are actively participating as requested by Hashem (GOD) over 3,000 years ago, only now are we really coming into alignment. It's actually very exciting!

But for those far from or even denying the presence of the Living God, it is also very sad for some as well. You would think it's just atheists. No. It's also those who didn't take time to really study Torah and the entire Tanakh to gain wisdom and understanding.

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding .Isaiah 34:16

There are many who unconsciously or consciously served Baal (any god or idol outside of the true and Living God who created the heavens and the earth), because they did not seek the true and Living God with all their heart and mind. Yes, the Living God still speaks.

By reading Torah, you would have intuitively started asking questions. I did. I still do. It's also those rabbis and pastors who re-tell stories that Hashem (the Living God) never said or meant. It was just from the minds of men.

One has to be so careful when hearing or sharing messages from Hashem. I certainly do.

Sometimes I say too much. Sometimes I say too little. But ultimately, I leave the message to Almighty GOD to deliver the message to the heart of whomever reads or hears it as intended for him or her.

There are women with children who are on the front lines of the world as well, and not just wars on the field. For some, it may even feel the same. And maybe it is so for that person. They can be trying to get ahead at work, in business, financially, doing mitzvot (kind deeds), keeping their family intact, or even wrongfully imprisoned.

Their children (young or adults) may be singled out because of their race, religion, yarmulke, gifts and sometimes their unfulfilled potential.

Can you believe it? Sometimes people are threatened simply because of the potential or promise on their life. Others can often see what you can not.

That's right. Some people have a yet to be fulfilled promise(s) given by Almighty God centuries ago, that are only now being fulfilled in this generation. Your great great grandparents prayed for it. The HaSatan delayed it.

And perhaps unbeknownst to you, you are the receiver of that priceless gift. That person had a blessing ready to be fulfilled. But they didn't connect to the Gift Giver to receive it.

That's why some young boys and girls experience such troubles in school and in the world. First, they did not have an observant parent or parents. Secondly, they did not allow themselves to be taught (directly by Torah/Tanakh) or mentored by a tzadik (righteous person). You can only receive that special gift when you connect to the Living God who is the only One who gives lasting gifts, talents, wealth, health etc.

My desire is that every young woman and every young man has the opportunity to study Torah (and Tanakh) and also be mentored by a seasoned woman or a man aligned with the true and Living God - the King of the universe. The right influence(s) can change the trajectory of a person's life from mediocre and meaningless to discovering your heart's song, your joyful purpose, your very meaning for existence.

May the LORD bless you and keep you. May the LORD GOD Almighty shine upon you. May the LORD bring all those who study Torah and the Tanakh great peace.

Recommended Read: Jeremiah 22-25; Genesis 29:1-9; Psalm 113-118; Psalm 104

All is well. Mazel, Bracha, Chodesh Tov and Sweet Sholom,

LeTicia Lee

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Shema Yisrael. Adonai Eluheinu. Adonai echad.

Listen Israel. the LORD is GOD. the LORD is One.