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Seeing The Face of Love and Mercy

Whenever, I feel tempted to post the letter VAV (Hebrew word for nail), the LORD always guides my little hand back to the letter alef. There are several reasons for that of which we will explain within the context of this blog post. One letter (VAV) stands alone, the other letter (ALEF) contains the letter VAV and YUD. But let's first look at the scripture in 1 Samuel Chapter 18 that comes to mind whenever I vacillate between the two letters VAV and ALEF.

As they danced, the women sang: Saul has killed his thousands, but David his tens of thousands. 1 Samuel 18:7

The main difference between Saul and David was that Saul was selfish. He also suffered from being bipolar. Saul wanted to build his own kingdom. David wanted to build a kingdom for Almighty GOD.

So Saul was afraid of David, because the LORD was with David but had departed from Saul. 1 Samuel 18:12

King David wanted to create a place for GOD to dwell in the earth. The earth is earthen man as we're made from the clay of the earth and given the breath of life. (Read the last chapter of the Book of Daniel).

You will recall that there were two trees in the middle of the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. When Adam and Eve fell, they descended into the world of Malkuth, governed by the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, a world of duality. That's where most people currently dwell.

Since we currently live in Malkuth (kingdom on earth), the descendant of King David (Messiah) helps raise the consciousness of humanity such that Hashem (the living God) can dwell and effectively communicate within the heart of man (humanity). It's a spiritual ascension that dwells above the serpent (spirit of selfishness/ego/dualistic nature).

 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people Jeremiah 31:11

Within the context of the Tree of Life, the crown (keter) represents #1. Malkuth (kingdom on earth) represents #10. When you connect via Torah and establish a relationship with YHVH (Almighty GOD), you are part of the unity of GOD raising the consciousness of humanity from earth to heaven (the crown/keter).

You will note that alef, being the first (#1) letter in the alphabet, means 1,000. So when those on earth (Malkuth) connect to GOD, they help raise the consciousness of humanity to keter (the crown/heavenly kingdom).

Therefore Saul sent David away and gave him command of a thousand men. David led the troops out to battle and back, 1 Samuel 18:13

Read 1 Samuel 18:13 with your new understanding. Saul's authority (king) transfers to David. David leads the people through their spiritual obstacles (i.e. Book of Psalms).

The Torah is not your average book. It's transformative if you allow it to be.

It's meant to be a spiritual connection. The spiritual connection becomes enhanced and established within the age of Messiah, but it has already started.

While we are waiting on Messiah. Messiah is waiting for humanity to align to receive.

Like Moses, Messiah, does not direct attention to self but to the Creator. Messiah's presence helps elevate the consciousness to see and receive what has always been , but is now more accessible to those who connect (vav) through Almighty GOD (alef a.k.a YHVH).

As we evolve, we learn to slay our own egotistical desires, and become more caring about the impact of our thoughts and actions on others and the overall community/society at large. We become more conscious of our words and actions. We delay instant gratification especially if the short term gain has major long term negative consequences.

In other words, we become more thoughtful and considerate (more god like) in our thoughts, actions and deeds towards ourselves, family, friends, neighbors, and community. By improving ourselves, we participate in the ascension of all those who will and do.

... and he (king David) continued to prosper in all his ways, because the LORD was with him (David) 1 Samuel 18:14

All may not choose to elevate their consciousness initially, but most will eventually. If not in this life cycle, then eventually until the "evolution" is complete. The difference may not seem so much initially, but eventually the chasm will be so great it may be difficult for those who remain rebellious to connect. But they have free will. The New Earth is already beginning and the old earth is shedding.

When you willingly partake, you participate in the great tikkun olam. It's the restoration of our souls' natural state to do good. Be just. Do good /right judgment. And we are also to have mercy when the situation merits.

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7

By doing so, we align ourselves with the Tree of Life. No one can do this for you.

We repent when we get it wrong. Ask Hashem (YHVH/ the living God) for help every day and every moment of the day until the corrected state becomes the new habit.

We also give thanks daily for everything that anyone does for us and especially the unseen Hand of God - the great Orchestrator of all that is good. Enjoy your journey.

Shema Yisrael, Adonai Elohim eluheinu. Adonai Elohim echad.

Here O' Israel. The LORD is our God. The LORD is one.

Mazel, Brachas and Sweet Shalom,

LeTicia Lee

SoRichiam Media

P.O. Box 20711

Rochester, NY 14602 USA
