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The Universal Orchestra

As we march along through the Torah, you will begin to notice there is nothing that occurs by happenstance. Everything and everyone has its place. However, there is a definitive composition. Like any song there may be various approaches to a composition but it all must come together to be pleasing to the ear. In this case, it's the unity of the universal soul.

No matter how many people are added or leave the "universal orchestra" of life, it uses the same notes and operates around a certain composition, In this case it's the Ten Commandments and the seven Noahide laws.

Israel is held to a higher standard because Israel maintains the ancient scrolls. They know the original language from which the Song was created. Their job was and is to teach the Universal Song to the masses without prejudice.

Only the Conductor can genuinely criticize any of its players but usually doesn't. The Conductor simply encourages the players into place. There is no forcing. However, when the soulful orchestra strays from the core composition, everything seems to fall apart.

Every note and every "musician" (you and me) has a place and a purpose. The Universal Conductor (Creator) has not forgotten you. Your vessel is an instrument for the Divine. You are necessary. You have purpose. You are needed in this world.

We learned from reading about Noah and the Ark that the "Conductor" reserves the Right to erase, edit, and start again at anytime the Composition is not flowing in the right direction. Some people speak too loud. Some speak too low. Others sing off key. While there are still more who don't show up to sing at all.

One of the interesting aspects of learning the Universal Song, let's call it the Torah, is that everyone is included. But when it goes wrong, the Conductor inspects each vessel to see who is playing out of tune.

During various High Holidays, the instruments get cleaned (fasting and prayer), and at other times tweaked (via minor illnesses). Ultimately, the Conductor wants every instrument to perform at the highest level (reach his/her fullest potential).

When we read the Torah, and learn about the story of Noah we can observe many things. Some may ask, why did Noah only save the animals and not the people?

If you have a favorite dog or cat, you may already understand Noah's point of view. But what we forget is that Noah lived before the fall of the Tower of Babel. That means that the animals and people all spoke one universal language. (see Genesis 11:1)

It was just easier for the animals to believe and trust God at that time and follow Noah into the Ark. Their intuition was actually better than most of the hard headed people living at that time.

Many Jews teach that the Noahide Laws only apply to the Gentiles. However, everyone comes through Noah's family.

However, the Ten Commandments and the Seven Noahide Laws (most of which over lap) are the Universal Music Book from which all other compositions emerge gloriously. It includes all the notes and all of the necessary Laws for everything else to align beautifully and ethically in this world and creates a path for the world to come.

Everything outside of that foundation falls apart. It's been tried many times in many other ways by others before you and me but always ends the same.

Don't believe me? Think about this.

So far, man has created plastic, clothing, and other non-biodegradable materials. It's being thrown into landfills. Governments are "privately" conducting various forms of genetic warfare.The residue is polluting the atmosphere and is killing both man and beast. They seem to think they need population control. These are considered the leaders of our day.

Ironically, no matter how many people emerge on earth, the planet can absolutely handle it if the Universal Laws are followed. For example, if humans and animals actually ate according to the Tanakh (Old Testament Bible), then we would all be vegetarians.

If we sustained a vegetarian diet, created biodegradable products and provided ethical services, then everything would be naturally recyclable. If you are constantly creating compost, then you are simply adding another layer to the top surface. People and animals that have naturally fulfilled their years and any leftover food all eventually become compost. There is no waste. There is only expansion.

Like Moses' Tabernacle, the Divine Conductor is at the center of every community. The larger the planet the more a community becomes necessary so no one is left out.

You may communicate worldwide but it means nothing if the "personal touch" is lost. The government is not a Universal God nor is big tech and AI.

People are vessels of GOD. But even in the Messianic Era, everyone living will know GOD. We are so close.

The Creator of all that is, was and shall be cares about every single person. Keeping your vessel clean and healthy is very important to the God who created you and wants you well.

So is there one BIG orchestra of billions of people or multiple mini orchestras you may ask? The answer is that there are both.

GOD wants your community to thrive and care about its citizens. God wants you to care for children as if each is your own. God wants every child to have the opportunity to learn Torah and basic education.

Education should not be designed to make "drone like" humans to work in servitude. With GOD, everyone is in service to use his or her gifts and talents to serve the whole.

When we follow the Universal Playbook, we will absolutely see that GOD is the ultimate Conductor in every community. When we put GOD in the center of every intention in the community (local/regional/national/worldwide), every and any member shines within the context of the Universal Song. But GOD is the Star.

GOD gives each player a gift/talent. And when you use those gifts and talent to honor the Creator, you thrive. You do this by helping others in some meaningful (but not demeaning) way.

Noah was not a perfect person. He just listened better than most others in his generation.

After the downpour of rain that spiritually cleansed man, beast and earth stopped, a dove sent out by Noah returned to the ark with an olive branch to notify Noah and the Ark's inhabitants that the great cleansing was finished. The water receded.The ark stood at the top of Mount Ararat when all was done.

The Conductor was refining the initial composition. A rainbow filled the sky as a covenant that the world would not be flooded again in like manner.

When we read the Torah and the entire Tanakh, we learn the "divine composition". The Tanakh actually helps to explain the Torah (first five books of Moses). I recommend you read the entire Tankah each year. You can do it!

People who have not studied the Universal Song think it will be too hard to read, study, and follow. But the truth is, life is way harder when you don't have the keys to the Composition. It (the Tanakh) elevates you.

Like Moses, every person has a purpose. Like Adam, Eve and Noah's Ark, every person has a soul-mate.

Regardless of your faith, life is mostly a spiritual soul matter. When you connect to the Conductor (GOD), you learn the Song of Life. You find your place in it. You sing your part of the Divine Song. You learn that your body is a divine instrument and should be treated kindly and with respect.

As advanced as we may think ourselves, we have not learned the very basics of how these divine instruments (our bodies) work. Most people are not taught how the planet works. Many people have not figured out there is a Divine Conductor who created us all. We are not puppets. We really do have free will.

When we connect to the Conductor and the Works of the Conductor, we connect to the Song. It's absolutely calming and very peaceful. It's actually perfect.

You may find it hard to believe but those who lived thousands of years ago, were actually more advanced than we are today They still spoke with GOD. They also saw and recognized GOD.

Teleporting was not unusual. Those closest to GOD often traveled that way. Yes, really. Even interplanetary communications and visits were not unusual. So you see, like the Book of Daniel says, we are at the bottom (heel) of creation. The good news is that the Messianic Era is closer than ever. We will evolve.

Some people actually learned their lesson well after surviving Noah's Ark. Believe it or not, some still exist. Many ambassadors of great leaders of yester-year would visit those entities for Advice and Counseling on behalf of their kings. They both brought and received many priceless gifts. Most of you still don't understand this part, but you will.

In fact, even people as recently as Christopher Columbus thought he could enter and return with the priceless treasures that had eventually become "folk lore". He did not merit it. He was "re-routed". These people are still playing their part. You will not find them or meet them until you also learn the Universal Song.

There is more to this world than what you see. There is no government, technology or science that even comes close, not even AI. In fact, humanity is at a clear cross roads. We can either respect the Laws of GOD or destroy ourselves.

I call it the "boiling frog" complex. As the temperature gradually gets warmer, the frog wiggles and adjusts until it eventually boils to death.

However, the Universal Song not only gets you out of the boiling pot, it gives you "wings". There is no panic. There is no confusion. You just learn the Song.

You learn it when your heart connects to the Conductor. You learn it by reading the Torah and the entire Tanakh. It becomes part of the fabric of your being.

You become a voluntary player. You hear the Voice of GOD in your heart. You intuitively know when to play, when to wait, and when to defer to others. Everyone and no one is the star. The Conductor is everything.

And yes, even then you still have free will. You just mature and realize that the best part of your free will is that you know the Conductor who leads and guides your entire life.I know. It's ironic isn't it?


This week's Suggested Reading is Proverbs 4-8, and Genesis Chapters 17-21

Shema Yisrael Adonai Eluheinu. Adonai echad.

Listen Israel, the LORD your GOD is One LORD.

Mazel, Bracha, and Sweet Shalom,

LeTicia Lee

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