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Understanding The Fingerprint of Creation

God’s signature is everywhere. The Word of God (Tanakh) is really one long Name for GOD is Hebrew. However, in our current state, we can meet and understand God is small pieces. When we read and study Torah, God shows up to teach.

The Name of GOD is a Word with Numerical Value. So you can read the words on the page or study the numbers to get to know GOD for yourself. The Numbers appear in nature. You can meditate on nature and receive divine understanding (insight). There are many ways to get to know your Creator. Get to know GOD for yourself. But getting to know GOD is something each person must do for him or herself. Be patient. Divine insight will come to each person who seeks GOD for him or herself.

The sequence is also God’s Love Language. There are certain numbers attributed to God such as 13, 26, and 72. So in a way, God signs His Work.

It even appears in our ear drum which is why we should LISTEN. It also appears on our fingers which is another reason why we should use our hands gently especially when touching another living creature. The spiral also appears as the Tree of Life (10 sephirot) form our head to our toes from an aerial perspective. And for many of us, it’s in our hair like a human antenna.

"Shema Yisrael. Adonai Eloheinu. Adonai echad."

Hear O' Israel. the LORD is our GOD. The LORD is one.

Mazel, Brachas and Sweet Shalom.



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