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All of our products and services are sharia compliant

THE GREATNESS FINANCE for non-Muslims and Muslims but everything is with sharia law and compliant...

All of our products and services are sharia compliant,

And we are highlighting ways Muslims can stay wealthy and "more" religious...

Where Blockchain has eliminated the slow Money motion,

What I mean is, because before it usually took small money to make more money just by understanding interests and Haram-based leverage ( which is to use the company's equity to make money that the original (capital can't make but by borrowing the company's equity "with interests" to pay in return, which isn't allowed for Muslims) and you could make more money.

If you understand financial education, you know things get more expensive every time, money has lost its value since 1971 the currency stopped being backed by gold and now it's being back by IOU which is a written document (which means debt) and not a real Gold anymore, so that means FEDS could print excess money, which is in return, money loses its value every time till forever)

All my explanation means, that, regardless of your religion you have to understand what money means and how it moves, but my point here is that, as Muslims, we have to abide by sharia. It's not about being closed-minded, it is about being embracing but must abide by sharia and deleting and forgetting what is Haram,...

The Truth is, everybody needs money now more than ever, because before we had crops and resources and ways to survive when it comes to feeding alone, for years... but nobody can survive without food for months...

My point is, now we are in the city days and busy days where most available foods are fast food, and if you want to cook, you will need to go to the market to get things to cook, which means everything is in the market (which you buy with money) but not in our gardens anymore (we have to start having gardens for raw food and it is better for our health),

So now, we are paying for everything and we use the money to buy and pay for things, which means, we need money now than ever and another bitter truth is, money has now lost its real value and things will get more expensive...

Jobs alone can not help. so, everyone needs financial education and there are plenty of products and services online to learn financial education all for free ( financial education teaches you to live within your means and help you with your spending habit and understand Asset and Liability, and always spend money to acquire more assets so part of the revenue of the asset can be reinvested back into more cash flow producing assets and to take care of you and your family and the liabilities you have, like cars, houses, etc... Asset put money into your pocket and liability take money from your pocket) but always do your research... we all need investments, the very first reason why we need investments isn't to be wealthy alone but to have money working for us and our jobs can not give us the money we need to maintain our desired lifestyle, money is a tool, it supports life, it is not something you attach to hearts and you don't avoid it but you deal with it with understanding (financial education) and not with ignorance...

(Money is a tool and your Dreams are the goals - "to be who and what you want to be," money is the tool you use to support the journey, it might be to have a business or make a movement or a cause or something)...

Blockchain has now brought the opportunity to solve most of the financial problems we face but not everything, TGFINANCE has come to use this Blockchain opportunity to solve other problems because Blockchain is a great tool and has come to change everything about the banking system and finance...

With the Blockchain, you could make 100% on investment in crypto...

With Blockchain you could render a service or a product that is uniquely for u and your customer, that is it just only you that has that kind of unique business model and products and for your customer alone, this is the web 3 and Nft, ( web 3 has changed on business is being operated)

we'll be talking about web 3 and Nft some other day...

So with the Blockchain, a Muslim can make even more money seamlessly using a phone and internet connection...

Now as a Muslim, you can use Blockchain to your advantage but always do your research because some companies involve in Haram activities...

(THEGREATNESSFINANCE will be proving financial education, products, services, and information on the Blockchain innovation but Sharia-compliant)